Chapter 21

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Most people want to be the sun that brightens up your life, but I'd rather be the moon that shines down on you in your darkest hours. - Jonathan Espinoza


Chapter 21

No one could possibly have felt as distraught as Jasmine at the moment. She had just remained silent while Charlotte and Rosaline had narrated their dire situation to her family. Even after the twins had left for home, giving her encouraging smiles, she still could not rest as the sight of a bloody Mr Smith pointing a gun at her still invaded her thoughts.

The rest of the Winters family had gone to bed long past, when they had realised she wished to be left alone. Jasmine loved her family dearly and was thankful for their support but at present, she needed to recollect her thoughts.

Not likely to fall asleep any time soon, Jasmine walked to the window seat of her room and stared out at the night sky. The stars shone brightly, splattered across the midnight sky like finely polished diamonds. The sight reminded her of her unfinished painting which she vowed to complete first thing in the morning.

Lady Jasmine Winters sighed and tried to think of something more pleasing. Not surprisingly, the face that brought a smile to her own was no other than that of Andrew Lockhart. She wondered how he was and what he had gone to do at his brother's grave. Was he alright? Did he still feel guilty or was he just going to pour out his soul?

Either way, she felt happy that his temper hadn't led him to blame poor Cordelia. After he'd left, she had cried tears of joy when she told Jasmine that he would make sure her mother was properly treated and that she was not considered the cause of his brother's death. The way Cordelia's spirits lifted was enough to make one cry. She had looked so broken before, so hopeless. Now, she was more at peace, and her features were more youthful despite the sad and weak state she was in.

That was because of him, Jasmine thought. He hadn't let his anger and fear cloud his judgement and he'd unknowingly given Cordelia hope. That simple act of selflessness was enough to make Jasmine grin like an idiot. Andrew's petals were blossoming. She wondered if he'd even read her little note at the back of her painting.

She tore her gaze away from the window and picked up the book that sat next to her. It was a simple scrap book that held her memories and inspirational quotes. She opened it to the page that held the rose Andrew had given her from the Lady Dashwood's outdoor ball. It was well preserved between the pages and the memory of their kiss made heat rise up to her cheeks. She opened another random page, hoping it would give her some inspiration for the night and give her heart rest. Her eyes landed on 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4.

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.

Jasmine had to smile again. The message was simple, yet she drew strength from the knowledge that the Lord was watching over her. With a brief prayer of gratitude, she got into the covers and tried her best to sleep but she couldn't. Not because she was afraid, oh no. But because she was inexplicably happy. With Mr Smith behind bars, there was nothing keeping her and Andrew apart anymore. She drifted off into deep sleep the second her head touched the pillow.

The morning sun rose much too early for Jasmine's liking. She'd spent the most of it in her room, finishing up on her painting. When she had finished, she characteristically wrote a short message behind it and was eager to show Andrew the next time they met. Walking downstairs to the dining room, she was more than shocked to find Lord Torrington conversing with her mother. The both of them turned to her when they realised she had entered the room.

"Lady Jasmine," Lord Torrington bowed, the very gesture made her want to yawn.

"May I ask what brings you here, Lord Bor - err, Torrington?" she raised an eyebrow and glanced at her mother whose face paled instantly.

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