Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Jasmine's face was burning hot when she'd gone back down to the sitting room where the twins waited anxiousely.

''What happened?" Charlotte blurted.

''Whatever do you mean?" Lady Winters tried her best to act clueless - which wasn't convincing at all.

''You were with a half-naked man in an empty bedroom,'' Charlotte explained. ''Something had to have happened.''

''He was hardly half naked,'' Even though she tried to sound serious, Jasmine's face turned a deeper shade of red. ''He was wearing Mr Fulham's shirt instead of his blood-soaked one.''

''Indeed,'' Rosaline agreed. ''But he also lacked a coat and waistcoat. He wasn't even wearing a robe in the very least.''

''Nothing happened,''

The Martin twins tut-tutted in unison, each complaining how Jasmine and Andrew could have siezed the moment and at least kissed.

Mr Fulham entered the sitting room and told the women that he'd be keeping Andrew for a little longer to make sure he recovered fully and since they had a luncheon to attend, they made their way upstairs to his room.

''Morning, my lord,'' Charlotte beamed, first to enter the room.

Andrew narrowed his eyes for a moment before responding. ''Morning, Charlotte,''

''I suppose he can tell us apart,'' Rosaline commented.

''Or he had a lucky guess,'' her sister huffed.

''Anyway, Andrew,'' Jasmine cut in. ''We are off to a luncheon and only stopped by to see how you were. I'm glad you're alright.''

The earl smirked at her, making her stomach flip and her heart race. ''Me too,''

Charlotte rolled her eyes. ''If you two are finished, we must get going.'' She took hold of her sister's elbow and ushered her out of the room.

Jasmine's gaze shifted from the door to Andrew. What was she to say now?

''You best not delay your friends,'' Andrew said, the smirk never leaving his face.

''Yes, of course,'' she fidled with her necklace for a brief moment, trying to come up with a proper goodbye.

''I take it you are happy with my gift?" he gestured to the necklace she twirled between her fingers.

Smiling, Jasmine nodded. ''I absolutely love it, Andrew.'' Stepping closer to the edge of the bed, she sighed and clutched his hand. Ignoring the warm tingles the very action caused, she took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. ''I am really going to this luncheon to discover more information that could help. I know James is doing everything he can at the moment, but I feel I must aid him as well. Please tell me you'll be alright?"

''I'll be fine, it's you I worry about. This gunshot wound could be the beginning. I don't want you in danger because of me.''

''It's too late for that. I'm already involved and nothing you say will convince me otherwise.'' she leaned in to give him a hug which lasted longer than neccessary and when she straightened, gave him a small smile. ''Besides, people tend to do the most outrageous things for the ones they love,''

With that statement, she left him to his thoughts.

People tend to do the most outrageous things for the ones they love, Andrew recited over and over in his head.

When Jasmine had left earlier due to Mr Fulham's untimely entrance, he'd just realised she was wearing the necklace with the sapphire pendant that he'd bought her. The very fact that she was wearing it made his heart soar for some strange reason. And then she returned and he could still make out the feint blush on her cheeks which deepened when he had smirked at her. How beautifully innocent she looked. He'd wanted nothing more than to kiss her the very second she had pulled away from thier embrace - which had been much too short for his liking. But then her words made him think: did what she said mean she loved him as a friend... or more? 

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