chap 5) before true love

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It was so dark out, the only thing leading them to their destination was Luke's only light that worked on his truck, even if it was run down and old, Delilah came to the conclusion that she loved his car, it was her favorite.

The radio worked, and Delilah was sure that if it didn't that Luke would have a heart attack.

Delilah was singing softly to the radio, and Conveinently, Iris, her favorite song, was playing.

when everything feels like the movies,
yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

"I love this one." She spoke softly, drumming her hands on the car door and looking through the window, staring at complete darkness.

She was at peace.

"Me too." He said.

He hid a smile from her, because he was Luke and he had no reason to smile.

"Where are we going?" Delilah asked, turning to look at his hand gripped tightly to the steering wheel.

"That's for me to know. And for you not to know."

She giggled, "It's not like that. it's, that's for me to know and you to find out."

"You're going to find out anyway."

"I know." she said, but she didn't wanna tell him the truth, tell him that she was scared of anything new, tell him she had to have everything planned out. Delilah hated surprises, because her father leaving was a surprise. Her brother over-dosing was a surprise, her favorite cat Oreo dying was also a surprise.

Surprises were nasty, and they were her least favorite thing.

Delilah took a look around his car, and the old CD she saw last time was on the floor, Chasing Juliet was now scribbled, and she realized that Luke had probably crossed it out out of rage.

And she began to wonder,
who was his Juliet?
was it even his Juliet?

she wanted to badly to grab the CD and plug it in, the curiosity was killing her. But she was scared that finding out what was behind that CD might kill her, too.

"Come on." He spoke quietly, and for a moment Delilah questioned if he were real.

"Where are we?"

"A field, an infinite field with infinite flowers and infinite grass and infinite possibilities. A field." He told her, helping her short frame out of the car and onto the grass.

It was the perfect weather outside, not too cold, not too hot. The weather was the only perfect thing were was, and probably ever will be.

The wind was blowing Delilah's hair everywhere, and Luke couldn't take his eyes off her.

She was pretty cool, in her own way.

"What do we do now?"

"I have no idea." he said promptly, before taking another cigarette out of his pocket and silently beckoning Delilah to follow him.

And so they walked.

And the silence was peaceful.

And Luke was beautiful to look at.

And his smoke was blowing away.

And the weather was refreshing.

And she was scared of change.

"That could kill you." She said to him, eyeing the cigarette sitting on his plump lips.

"Lots of things can kill me," He told her, staring at the dark sky. "I can get into a car accident at any moment, I could die from an over dose, I can have a heart attack, I could literally die from a broken heart. And yet, here I am. Alive. I'm going to die anyway, and whether it's now or 80 years from now, it's inevitable, and smoking a cigarette probably won't be the thing to kill me, Delilah." Luke took a long breath of air, before turning back to her.

Delilah felt embarrassed, because he was what she wanted to be, and maybe he considered her up-tight and no fun, but she couldn't help it. She was so cautious.

"I don't have any parents, Delilah. They're dead. I really couldn't care less about death, because it's something I'm accustomed to. I don't have a future, or a family, or a care in the world. Right now I'm just surviving, and that's all there is to it."

And so after that it was silent for an hour, or two, or three.

And she was brought back home at 11, and for the first time she thought, we're all just surviving.

and that's exactly what she was doing, surviving.

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