chapter 14) before old-gray-trucks

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They're driving fast through the traffic lights, busy streets and busy lives.

And his hair reminds her of soft silky sheets, and his eyes reminds her of 2008 summer trips to beach houses with her family. His old truck is familiar, his old truck is pleasing.

"Okay. Where to?"


"No. Apartment 206?"

"No. How bout' Home Depot?"

"I'm not feeling Home Depot." He told her, snapping his head to stare at her, to stare at his blonde.

"Okay. But listen, let's buy some spray paint."

"Spray paint." He repeated after her, his eyebrow raising only slightly.

"Yeah. Okay? Listen, let's do something crazy."

"We always do something crazy."

"No, no. Trying a new flavor of Arizona iced tea is not crazy, only a bit physcotic."

Delilah reached over to run her fingers through his blonde hair.

"What would we paint?"

"I have no clue."

"Alright, let's do it."


"Why that color?" Luke was leaning on the shelf next to Emerson, he had an un-lit cigarette in his mouth (he was waiting for them to go outside.)

"Because this color is neutral."

"Get yellow."

"Yellow is a hideous color." She said to him, holding multiple spray cans and scrunching her nose.

"I know, It looks like my hair."

"I love your hair." She told him,

"I love your hair." He responded, smirking.

"What about purple?"

"I can do purple." He responded, walking closer to her and pulling on her waist.

"OK. Purple it is."

"What about pink?" He asked her, messing with his hair.



"OK. Are you hungry?"


"Arizona, may I repeat, for the God-knows-what-time, is not a dinner."

"It's energizing."

"Not particularly."

"Ok Delilah, tell me, what are you thinking in that lit up brain of yours?"

"I'm thinking we should spray paint the outside of Home Depot." She told him, only half-joking.

"And I'm thinking I don't wanna get arrested tonight."

"Alright, come on let's go, let's go, hurry up."

And so he took her small soft hand, 6 cans of multi-colored spray paint cans, and 3 bags of peanut M&M's, because, "They're fucking bomb, Delilah."

He parked outside of an art museum, and Delilah soon followed behind him.

"Quick, give me a color."


Luke picked up blue and started spray painting, and then purple, and then red, and then, (God forbid) yellow, and so many colors that he was drenched in rainbows.

When he was finished he looked up at his masterpiece,

'A world without you is a world I don't want live in.'

He wrote it in many forms, he wrote it in many fonts, he wrote it in many colors, but when he wrote it he was thinking of one person, his darling Delilah.

He took the blue can and drenched her in cold paint.

"A world without you, is a world I don't want to live in, either." She told him honestly, sneeking a quick glance at his purple stained cheeks.

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