five • property of liam dunbar

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{liam dunbar}

   I walk into my empty house. I toss my backpack on my couch and walk to the kitchen to grab a snack.

   My phone vibrates in my pocket, I grab an apple then pull my phone out.

You wanna hang? Practice a little bit of lacrosse at the park?

Sure in an hour I gotta do Pre-Calc homework right now

Alright, could I come over so you could help me with that

   I think about it for a second, should I let him come over? Or tell him no? But I don't want to seem rude about it.

Sure I'll help you come on over

   I grab my bag from the living room, and sit down on the couch. I kick my shoes off, I pull my bag onto my lap and  take out my math homework.

   The door bell rings, I get up and walk over to it. I open it up and Brett was standing there with his lacrosse stick and backpack.

   "Hey thanks for letting me come over" he said stepping further into my house. His hand grazes against mine, just a little touch by his hand sent tingles up my arm.

   It wasn't a hurting tingle but it a good kind of tingle and I kinda want to feel that again. I realize right now that this is the first time we've ever touched skin to skin.

   Brett looks at me when his hand grazed mine, he stared at me like he wanted to do something to me, but it wasn't a mean look though.

   His stare was making me hot and uncomfortable. "What" I said breaking his stare from me, he blinked a couple of times then shook his head "Nothing."

   I shut the front door and led him to the living room. "You don't do your homework at the table" he asked standing between the living room and the kitchen.

   "Nah," I sit down in the living room and he sits at the kitchen table.

   A few minutes pass and I feel bad for letting him sit at the kitchen table alone. I grab my stuff and walk to the table where he was, I sit on his left side next to him at the table. He looks up at me and smiles.

   "What made you come over here all of a sudden" his smile grows bigger "You were making me feel bad for leaving you alone" I said setting my stuff down on the table.

   He shakes his head and continues to do his math homework. He asked for help a few times about some math equations and I helped him.

   "Was I acting like a jerk to you today, I felt like I was" I asked out of no where  he stops doing an equation and turns his attention to me. He shrugs his shoulders "I don't know. If you were, that's messed up because I have been really nice to you" he sets his pencil down in his Pre-Calc book.

   "I'm just going to say I'm sorry if I was because I felt like I was being rude and mean to you, so yeah, I'm sorry" I apologized to him.

   He places his left hand on my right shoulder and squeezed it "Apology accepted" for a moment the air changed and it was serious. We just stared at each other not breaking eye contact.

property of liam dunbar {boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now