seventeen • property of liam dunbar

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{brett talbot}

   I walk into my house happy and upset because one we won our first home game and second my mom didn't come to my game even though she said she would.

   "Mom" I called in the house, the kitchen table had half eaten food on plates and wine glasses and a bottle.

   "Mom" I called again, my mom was in the living room sitting with a guy kissing him and stuff, eating each other up basically.

   "Really?" I said as I entered the living room setting my gym bag down on the love couch and grip my lacrosse stick in my hand. They pull away from each other and my mom looks at me surprised like a kid getting caught in the act. "This is what you've been doing today?"

   "Brett baby I can explain" she stood up and walked towards me.

   "Why explain mom, I don't care what you have to say. I don't care about your love life" I shake my head and glare at her. I wanted to take my lacrosse stick and smash something.

   "Did you know what was today?" I tilt my head to the side and glare at her.

   "Um, you're lacrosse game?" She asked confused.

   "Yes mom my lacrosse game! You said you would come to it tonight. But you never did because you were here in the house having a fucking date with this guy." I pointed to the blonde headed man sitting on my couch, "While your son was having his first game of the season but I guess this was more important than me right?" she came closer to me but I backed up.

   "No Brett, I got home from work then made dinner, I was leaving the house to go to your game but then Allen came by and we talked and I lost track of time." she reached out to me I pushed her hands away.

   "I think I'm just going to leave now" this Allen guy stands up from the couch and walks to the door and leaves.

   "Both of you ate my dinner?! And you couldn't have just told him that you had to go to my game?!" I walk around the couch away from her.

"Yes but-"

"But nothing mom! I'm more important than him! You have never gone to any of my games, I don't even know why I even ask you to come anymore, you always give an excuse to why you can't come. I get tired of the same answers 'I have overtime at work' or 'Im picking up another shift for Ashley' oh and this answer is my favorite 'I can't come, I'm having a dinner date with Allen and then we're going to make out on the couch UNTIL YOU COME HOME'!" I yelled at her from he top of my lungs.

"Brett I didn't mean to hurt you," tears run down her face.

"Well you did. Yesterday you asked if something was wrong with me now something is wrong with me. One, you never pay attention to me, two you don't support me in my athletics, three you didn't support me when I was in a relationship with Cole, four you would rather fuck a guy than come to one of my games. How long have I been playing in lacrosse mom?" I put my hands on the back the couch leaning against it.

   She wipes her tears off her face and sniffles trying to calm down, she coughs to clear her throat "um since when you were eight."

   I drop my head and chuckle to myself "No mom you're wrong I've been playing lacrosse since I was six years old, I have been playing for thirteen years, maybe you came to one of my games when I was little but now you come to none of them."

"I am sorry Brett" she sits down on the couch.

"And after practice tomorrow, I'm going out to find a job. When I do find a job and I have enough money saved from my allowance and work I'm going out to find a apartment since I'm nineteen." I grab my stick and gym bag going up to my room.

"And if you were wondering, I'm the Co-Captain and we won today I made the last point." I continued to walk up the stairs to my room.

Wow. Brett was really pissed at his mom. Dude ya blame him for being pissed?


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