twenty-one • property of liam dinbar

547 19 5

{liam dunbar}


My alarm went off. Groaning lazily, I found my phone next to me on the night stand. I should not have drank last night.

I kick Mason awake "Get up I don't want to be late for school" I walked to my bathroom and took a piss and washed my hands.

Mason was up and getting dressed. I brushed my teeth. Mason finished in a rush stealing one of my snacks from my desk drawer and left my house.


We drove in separate cars to school. I honestly couldn't wait to see Brett, now that we are a couple it's like I feel a new person like who am I? I don't recognize myself. Do I still have the same dreams of where I see myself in 5 years? But at the same time this is who I am, I'm scared of what I'm becoming--who I'm loving, but I'm happy and crazy about Brett.

When I pull up to the school Stiles, Scott, Mason, and Brett were standing in front of the school and smiling like crazy people. I park my car and get out with my backpack slung over my shoulder. As I approached closer they had their hands behind their backs. Brett was standing to the side of them so I can clearly see three of my friends.

"Now" said Brett, they brought their hands in front of them and they held up blue posters with lacrosse sticks. From left to right, Stiles- HOME Scott- COMING and Mason- ?.

I laughed and shook my head in disbelief, I dropped my head down laughing and smiling. People gathered around us astonished that a guy was asking out another guy to homecoming. Some were clapping and cheering, some not so much, and the rest just didn't care. Brett was smiling and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands. This is so gay, I love it.

Brett walks up to me "I want to say that i am sorry again. I keep messing this up and I know you enough to conclude you do not like being in the spotlight of things and I hope doing this is not ruining your mood." He handed me the flowers.

"I'm the one who is sorry for always not trying hard enough to understand you. And I honestly don't care about what they think right about now because I am so happy I can die from my heart being so happy." I smile so big i feel like my face may get stuck.

"I know I asked you to homecoming last night but I wanted to do it in front of everybody. Like rubbing it in their smug faces. To say I am taking the hottest and sexiest man to homecoming to dance with me and kiss me in front of everybody." Brett was smiling like I make him the luckiest man in the world.

"Yes I'll go to homecoming with you" I yelled loud enough for people to hear my answer. He smiles and gives me a hug, I get on my tip toes to give him a hug with my flowers in one hand and my other rested on the back of his head.

Some people cheered and screamed amongst the cheerful crowd some yelled fags, queers, butt plugers, and disgusting, and so on. I kind of bothered it upset me, scared me I'm not going to lie but right now I'm so joyful at the moment I let it roll off my back.

Brett holds my face and kisses my cheek. He wraps his left arm over my shoulders and I say hi to the rest of my friends. They patted me on my back and I thank them.

We entered the school as a group of friends and couple. Stiles chatted with Scott and Mason behind us about conspiracy theories and whatnot. And students gave Brett and I looks. Either they know about the homecoming proposal or because Brett is wrapped around me. Their looks made me feel small and uncomfortable, it's as if Brett didn't care that they were giving us looks or he's used to this from his old school.

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