eighteen • property of liam dunbar

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Sorry it took me so long. I had sports and school going on

{liam dunbar}

Once I got home I took a shower and went downstairs to see my mom.

"I'm so proud of you Liam!" she walks from around the table to give me a big bear hug. "You did a great job on the field, you were so fast getting the ball and making it in the goal" she exclaimed. She rubs my back soothingly.

"Mom, you seen me play before" I smiled at her "It wasn't that exciting. But I was good wasn't I" I laughed and sat down at the kitchen table. Mom makes me a plate of dinner, and sets it down in front of me. "Next time, could I go to the before party before the game?" I asked her stuffing my face with her spaghetti.

"Sure, but you better be going to a party." She smiled and sat down across from me with her plate of food.

"So, how are you and Brett doing?" she looks up at me from her eyelashes.

"Good? Why?" I looked at confused of why she was asking, I put down my fork to look at her.

"Because you don't seem angry or upset when you come home, you seem happy now." She continues to eat her spaghetti, twirling her fork in the noodles. I eye her for a minute then continue to eat my dinner.

"Brett and I are good, we are friends" I feel her eyes on me probably smiling from ear to ear.

After I finished eating my dinner I helped her clean the dishes and wipe down the counters. When I finished helping her I went to my room and laid down because it's so late.

What seemed like an hour of sleeping my phone dinged next to me on the charger. I grabbed it groggily, the light of the phone burned my eyes.

My eyes adjusted to my phone and I saw it was Brett texting me. I slide my phone to unlock it.

Sorry, but I need to vent before I explode. I just need to talk to someone

Sure what's going on?

You know, how my mom didn't come to the game? Well I went home to find out that she was on a date at home. I walk on them making out on the couch. And I started yelling at my mom for this. She's never been to any of my games except maybe when I was little, but her excuse was that she was leaving the house to come to the game but this guys comes to the house and distracted her. She's always coming up with these stupid excuses!

Thats messed up what're you going to do tomorrow?

After practice I'm going out and looking for a job to save up for an apartment.

Oh well I'm sorry about your mom :/

Yeah well me too

I'm going to go to bed now see ya later

Okay well see you later

I put my phone down and went back to sleep.

   The next morning, I got up and got dressed for school today. I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth. My mom was at work today and probably won't be back until later this evening.

I grabbed my backpack and keys from the counter and left out the door. The drive to school seemed longer than usual, maybe because of the traffic.

When I finally got to the school I went to my locker and changed out my books. I met up with Mason before the first bell rang.

   Mason had no idea about me and Brett. Brett and I are going to be friends first before anything else. Mason seems clues about out situation.

   "Hey, Mason" I waved him down for him to find me.

   "Oh hey Liam! Great game yesterday you did good." He stood next to as we leaned up against the nearest wall.

   "Thanks" I smiled at him.

   We talked until the first bell and we parted ways. I walk into the boys locker room and undressed.

"Liam" I turn to the voice of my name being called. It was Nick.

"What?" I finish putting my shirt on.

"Are you and Brett a thing or something?" He asked, he leans against a locker shirtless.

"No" I said frowning. Why would he ask that out of no where?

"Because the way looks at you tells me differently. I'm not gay or anything but he looks like he basically rapes you in his mind. And that seems kind of, you know, perverted and creepy as fuck" he crosses his arms over his bare chest.

I stood there for a couple seconds staring him thinking. Why who wouldn't stare at me like they want so bad? Have you seen me shirtless?

"Speak of the devil look who just walked in" we both look at the door. Brett was walking in and looked at for a brief second then walked to his locker.

"Did you know Brett gives great blow jobs?" He said then walked away. Yes, I know he gives great blow jobs I've had one by him before. But that's beside the point. One, what the fuck is he talking about? Two, when did Brett give him a blow job? And three, why did Brett give a blow job? I just want to know when, why, where, what, who, and how?

I look at Brett frowning and he looked at me and smiled and waved. He saw I wasn't smiling and stopped smiling and waving. I feel betrayed and jealous. I shouldn't feel betrayed because I don't know his half of the story. If I asked Nick what he was talking about he would probably lie to me. Brett I could trust to tell me the truth. I feel jealous because he was sexually involved with someone else instead of me.


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