Chapter 2

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~Clover's P.O.V.~

So its now its now been a week since I landed in England. Living in England is just like I dreamed it would be. The college is amazing! On Tuesday I even got a Chinese Water Dragon, called Jeremy. A girl at college has a female and it had babies. She kept one (Jeremy) but couldn't handle caring for two, so she gave him to me! Luckily Chris agreed to it!

Not only that, but I'm now best friends with my favourite youtuber! I know crazy right! Her name is Maize Williams and she's in my hair and beauty class. We met via a saloon in town. I went their to get my gel nails fixed and she was there getting her highlights done. She has the most beautiful hair ever, wavy black with purple streaks. She also has a nose ring, its one of those which look like the ones which bulls have (i have no idea what they're called). I'm not a big fan of facial piercings myself, but it suits her. She's also a vegan like myself. I told her about Jeremy and she wanted to meet him. So I invited her back to my place, and our friendship went from there! Perks of being besties with a famous beauty guru is she'll do your hair, nails and make up for free! She won't tell me if its true or not, but rumour is Zayn Malik was flirting with her on twitter and they went clubbing together in L.A.

Chris texted me earlier telling me to pick up some small food shopping on my way home from college because four boys he works with will be staying over for a while. Well that's a good enough excuse for me to pop into Pets At Home which is right next to Asda anyway. I still have no idea what Chris does for a living, i keep forgetting to ask. It must be something cool if four guys were staying over. I mean I don't if you worked in a office you'd be inviting people to stay over for a week!


~Chris's P.O.V.~

I haven't thought this through have I? My goddaughter is One Directions biggest fan, and I'm their manager, and I just invited them over for a week. Maybe I should of sat her down first and told her, but I didn't think! Basically inviting them over was a bit of a last minute thing. We have a lot to sort out, and plus they seem to like it at my place. For starters I want to talk to Louis about the twitter argument his having with Zayn, and we need to have a talk about the fifth album.

*knock knock*

That must be them, Clover would of let herself in. On my way to the front door I pass Clover's bedroom door, it's covered with One Direction and lizard posters. I need to think of a way to explain that to the boys before Clover gets home. Not about the lizard posters! The One Direction posters! I open the front door, and in barge the biggest band on the planet.

"Took your time opening the door mate! Must be getting slow in your old age!" Harry jokes.

"We brought stuff to make pizza!" Niall says, placing a carrier bag on the kitchen counter.

"Alright you do that, I just need to finish some paper work upstairs" I say turning to walk back up the stairs, "just try not to make a mess!"


~Louis's P.O.V.~

As we start making the pizzas, we hear the front door click open and some faint music playing. A girl with velvet red hair walks in, the music playing from her pocket, I can now make out whats playing. 'And we're never coming back down, yeah we're looking down on the clouddddsss!', it was Clouds! Our song!

The girl places some shopping bags on the dinning table, her back to us. She quickly throws her hair into a messy bun, allowing me to be able to read the writing on the back of her t-shirt. It read was a On The Road Again tour t-shirt. So apparently she's a fan of us. She still hasn't noticed us though.

"Chris! I'm gonna let Jeremy free rome!" She shouts up the stairs. Who's Jeremy? She walks over to a large glass tank on the fair side of the room. She gets something out of the cupboard next to the tank, and from what I can hear, it sounds like a cricket. She holds the cricket in her left hand, and with her right she slides open the lid of the tanks, puts her whole right arm in, and allows some large green creature to crawl up her arm. She pulls her arm out of the tank, revealing a large lizard on her arm. That must be Jeremy.

She turns round and places him on the floor, she giggles as she walks him trying to climb her leg to get the cricket in her hand, but keeps falling back to the floor when he gets can five centimetres up.

"Stop teasing him and give him the cricket!" Chris laughs, walking down the stairs. He walks over to the kitchen and grabs a beer from the fridge. He then turns to us and mouths "three, two..." At that moment the girl looks up, her eyes almost popping out when she sees us. She screams and the cricket goes flying across the room. Jeremy then chases after it.

The girls' eyes are now racing from Chris, to me, to Harry, then to Niall, then to Liam, and then back to Chris. She's now stopped screaming and is just starring at us, I can just pick up on her breathlessly muttering "What?" Next thing we know, she passes out. Her music is still playing from her pocket, its now playing Best Song Ever. We all rush over to her, and together carry her over to the sofa.

"Boys, meet my goddaughter Clover" Chris says, picking up Jeremy who was just about to bite a TV cable, and puts him back into his tank. He then takes Clover's phone out of her pocket and stops the music. "Go finish the pizza's and leave her to wake up in her own time. I'll cook her dinner, she's a vegan you see, so i don't think she'll like that meat lover pizza Niall!"

All the boys including Chris walk back over to the kitchen to continue cooking. I on the other hand go sit next to Clover on the sofa. I wanted to make sure she was okay. As Harry used to say, fans are family.

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