Chapter 4

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~Louis's P.O.V.~

After watching a few Michael McIntyre DVD's and almost the whole season seven of the Big Bang Theory, it was now just gone midnight. We'd spent the whole evening laughing and generally having a good time.

"Truth or dare!" Screamed Harry.

"Nah, its getting late now Harry!" Liam says, stretching his arms and yawning. "I'm going to bed, night everyone!" And with that he headed up the stairs to his guest bedroom.

Clover was sat quietly in a bundle of blankets on the floor, she was scrolling through her instagram. The majority of the pictures was of her friends, lizards and One Direction. But I couldn't understand any of the writing, it was all in Danish. Then, all of a sudden, Clover starts to breath rather heavily while still staring at a picture of us on her phone.

Niall hadn't noticed so start talking to her, "so Clover, Louis tells me your from Denmark. How long you lived there for?"

Clover doesn't reply but instead runs up the stairs to her room in a flash.

"What's the matter with her?" Niall says, looking as if he'd just said something which offended her.

"No clue!" I say and quickly rush up to Clover's bed room. Something was defiantly wrong.

I knock on her bedroom door, no answer.


~Clover's P.O.V.~

*knock knock*

"Leave me alone" I cry into my pillow, I doubt whoever was at the door even heard me.

"Clover? It's me Louis" Louis says, popping his head round the door. "Wanna talk?" I nod, and he enters my room, he sits on the end of my bed, I shuffle across my bed so I'm now sat next to him.

As I'm about to explain to Louis what had happened, my phone rings with a video chat request. I check the caller ID, then answer it. It's my friend Clara, she's my old neighbour in Denmark, she was probably just calling for a catch up.

"Hej Clover, er du okay?" Clara says (basically to translate she said hi Clover, are you okay). Before I could reply to her, she practically screamed "oh my god is that Louis freaking Tomlinson?" I'm guessing she could see Louis from where I was holding my phone.

"Ja, ja, vil jeg forklare historien senere. Jeg ringer tilbage. Farvel" I quickly say then end the call, (and to translate I said yes, yes, I'll explain the whole story later. I'll call you back. Bye). "Sorry about that. That was my friend Clara".

"So, what just happened downstairs" Louis asked, with a concerned look on his face.

"Nothing" I quietly mutter.

"Really? Cause it didn't look like nothing" Louis says with a concerned tone.

"It was a panic attack... I should be used to them, had them all the time growing up!" I mutter.

"Do you know what causes them?" Louis questioned.

"Stress, nervess, social events with new people etc..." I mutters.

"What about just then? What caused it?" Louis asks.

"You...the rest of the boys" I mutter, "bit of a shock when you come home from college one day to find your favourite band in your kitchen, then having a dvd night with them..."

"Yeah, I can understand that. I'm sure it is" Louis said, and gave me a comforting hug. "You've met us before. You've been a fan from the beginning. You know... we're just fiv- four... normal idiots, just with an abnormal job".

This made me laugh, and smile. For the past five years, I've dreamed of a moment like this, now its happening. What Louis said reminded me that the One Direction fandom is more than a fandom... it's a family!

Louis got up, and opened the door. "Good night Clover!"

~Niall's P.O.V.~

Liam was the only one actually asleep. Me and Harry were in my room playing Fifa on ps4. Louis had now entered the room and had snatched the controller from my hands.

"Come on lad! You're doing it all wrong! You're playing worse than a primary school teams first ever match!" Louis says, taking over my side of the game. I just sit back and watch the rest of the game, there's no point arguing with Louis when it comes to Fifa!

"So what's the matter with Clover?" Harry asks, his eyes glued to his side of the TV.

"Um... Personal matter" Louis explains.

"And she spoke to you about it?" I question Louis.

"Boys... I'll explain later alright! Its not really my thing to go around shouting about" Louis explains. He then throws his controller on the bed and shouts "Wahoo! In your face Styles!" Signaling that he had obviously won .

"Alright, its one in the morning now! Everyone out of my room I'm going to sleep" I say and with that Louis and Harry exist my room, they both know how grumpy I get when I'm tried.


~Louis's P.O.V.~

I just can't stop thinking about her. Clover that is. I only met her a few hours ago but I feel like I've known her a lot longer. I love how she's a fan and I can have a conversation with her without her screaming in my face, that only happened the first time with met today. I'd really like to get to know her more! Should I ask her out to diner? Maybe, I'm not sure yet.

I completely missed Chris's meeting this afternoon, I was too busy making sure Clover was OK. When one of us isn't there they'd usually end up talking about work for five minutes then the next twenty playing Fifa. So I probably didn't miss much. He can always talk to us all tomorrow about whatever is so important. I bet he wants to talk to me about the twitter argument I'm having with Zayn!

We just got back from our tour in America, we were meant to have a few weeks off, then continue writing the album before doing the final English leg of the tour, but instead we're spending a few weeks at Chris's place to sort out 'important business'. But I'm not complaining, I love hanging out here. Chris is the best! He doesn't take everything to seriously, just like us! Plus his apartment is on the eighteenth floor so fans don't mob us all the time cause they can't be bothered to get all the way up to the eighteenth floor. I also think this time we're at Chris's its going to be different, I've now met Clover. And as I've said before, I can't stop thinking about her.

There's pictures of her around Chris's apartment, and he talks about her a lot. Her and her sister. This may sound like something out of one of those cheesy romance movies, but every time Chris would talk about her I wanted to meet her even more. And now that I have. I think Louis Tomlinson might have a crush.

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