Chapter 11

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One week later.

~Louis' P.O.V.~

Clover's finally coming home today! The only probelm is that because she going to be in a wheel chair for a while, we've had to install a chair left, so she can get up the stairs of Chris' apartment.

Chris is bringing her home. So me and the lads attempted to make a cake for her coming home/late birthday, but failed so we brought a cake from Asda. We got one with you can have a picture printed on, so we got a picture of Jeremy infront of a Danish flag print on the cake. I hope she likes it!

Also, as a joke, I brought her One Direction toilet paper and ducktape as I remember her saying that they were the only merchandise she hadnt got! I always thought it would be eithet Niall or Harry who dates a fan, but its me!

"Look who's home!" Chris calls, as the front door swings open.

"Welcome home Clover!" Niall, Harry, Liam and I all shout at the same time.

"We got you a cake!" I say, showing her the cake.

"Omg! It's so cute, thank you guys!" She giggles.

"And, I got you a birthday present for last week!" I give her the box, which is wrapped in pink minnie mouse wrapping paper.

"Oh Louis you really didn't have to!" She giggles, and opens the present. As soon as she opens the present she busts out laughing. "Omg Louis! Thank you!"

"Now you have all our merchandise!" I laugh.

The others go off leaving me and Clover alone. She wheels herself over to Jeremy's tank, "Louis? Can you get him out for me?"

I nod and slide the lid of the tank open, Jeremy is sat at the top of his jungle gym which made it easy for me to pick him up, I place him on Clover's lap and he immediately runs up her arm and sits on her shoulder. A couple of months ago, Bonnie bonded me and Jeremy so that I can handle him. Chris was incharge of Jeremy while Clover was in the hospital, I would I have been but I refused to leave Clover's side.

"I'm so happy your back Clover! I've missed you so much. Looks like Jeremy has missed you as well!" I say, pulling up one of Chris' giant beanbags to sit one. "So, what has the doctor said about your legs? When can you walk again?"

"That's what I was about to tell you Louis..." She says quietly, her face turned sad. "I'm never going to be able to walk again. I'm stuck in this wheelchair for the rest of my life..."

"What?" I can't believe what I'm heading.

"Good job I want to be a make-up artest not a dancer hey!" She jokes. 

"As long as your alive and happy, I'm happy!" I smile, "do you know what has happened to the guy who hit into you?"

"Yeah, he walked a way with few injuries... but he got tested positive for drugs so it's likely his now in prison!" Clover explains. "I should probably go help Chris now. Can you put Jeremy back for me".

"Help Chris with what?" I ask as I pick up Jeremy and put him back at the top of his jungle gym and closing the lid to his tank.

"Did Chris not tell you?" She questions. I immediately shake my head. "I've decided to move back to Denmark to continue my course. I love England, but it just doesn't feel like home".

Tears begin to form in my eyes. "I just got you back! And now your leaving again?" I cry.

"I'm sorry Louis! I love you and want to stay with you, but I miss Denmark, my home" Tears fall from her eyes.

I lean forward and embrace her in a hug, tears falling from both our eyes.  "The band is on a break, so I can visit you as loads! Might even have a summer vacination to Denmark this year!" I suggest.

"Please do" Clover cries. At that moment Chris and the others walk down the stairs. "CHRIS! Why didn't you tell Louis I'm moving back to Denmark?"

"Cause i thought Niall told him!" Chris rises his hands in defeat. "Niall, why didn't you tell Louis Clover is moving back to Denmark?"

"Cause i thought you did it!" Niall says pointing to Chris.

"Wow you too!" Harry laughs.


A/N: OMG, so Clover just got back now is leaving again! So many plot twists! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. The media picture for this chapter is of some pictures that Clover has posted on social media while being friends with One Direction. Please vote, comment and follow! Thanks ☺

StrawberryFandoms ♡

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