Chapter 9

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A/N: Just thought I'd let you know in advance that this is an emotional chapter! I almost cried while writing it! So get a packet of tissues ready just in case!
~Clovers P.O.V.~

I don't know what happened. It's now been over two weeks and Louis still hasn't spoke to me! I really want him to talk to me, about anything! I just want to hear that adorable northern accent that I love!

Niall tried to get Louis to talk to me at breakfast this morning but that didn't work. I'm now on my way to college, we'd just had a two week break and are now going to begin our end of year finals.

I hate London traffic! But today wasn't too bad actually. I go to pull away from the junction of a round-about as it looked all clear, but as I put my car in gear I notice some bright car head lights coming right towards me...

The next thing I knew everything had gone black. I couldn't see anything! I could hear voices, people were shouting, and I could hear sirens. Then I couldn't hear anything at all...


~Louis' P.O.V.~

Me and Harry are sat on the sofa playing fifa. And to be honest... he ain't the best bless him! No one can hear the tommo tomlinson at football!

"Louis!" Harry shouted, elbowing me in the chest.

"What curley?" I shouted back.

"Your phone is ringing" he said more calmy. I must be to focused on the game and wasn't listening out for my phone.

I grab it and quickly answer it after seeing that it's Chris. "Hello... what... Yeah... NO... Yeah I'm on my way!" I chuck the controler on the floor and drive out of the room.

"Where you going?" I hear Harry yell.

"Clover was in a serious accent! She's in the hospital unconscious!" I yell back. I rush into the elevator not even waiting for Harry, and rush to the hospital.

I arrive at the hospital in no time and run straight to the ward Chris told me. I immediately see Chris and Niall sat outside of a room. "Where is she? Is she alright? Can I see her? What happened?" I quickly question them.

"She's in this room" Chris says, gesturing to the door they were sat outside of. "We don't know yet, they won't let us see her!"

I open the door handle to the room and barge in. A couple of doctors and nurses attempt to stop me but I ignore them and push past them.

There she is. Laying on the hospital bed, wearing a blue patterned hospital gown, her beautiful red velvet hair tied back in a ponytail, an oxygen mask covering her both her mouth and nose, I noticed she was attached to a drip as well. On her cheek and forehead were stitches.

"Sir! You can't be in here!" One of the doctores said.

I held onto Clover's right hand, her left arm had tubes entering it. Tears are beginning to fall from my eyes. "What's wrong with her?" I quietly say.

"We're going to have to ask you to wait outside sir. Her injuries are very serious. We need the room sir" The same doctor says.

"I'm not leaving her!" I cry. "How serious?"

"She's broken eighteen bones in her right leg and serious injuries to her rib cage..." the doctor pauses, I know there's something else to come. "She... she is also in a coma..."

I can't hold back anymore tears. I cry an entire waterfall and more. I can't believe it... everything! To think I'd been ignoring her for the past two weeks, and now I may never walk to get again!

"Sir. I'm sorry, but we need to operate quickly. So may you please leave the room" One of the nurses calmly explains.

I kiss her hand and mutter, "I love you Clover" then walk out of the room. When I'm outside I completely break down into tears.

Stole My Heart (One Direction fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu