Chapter 5

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~Louis's P.O.V.~

I'm hoping to have a lay in today, not that there's much hope of that when your part of One Direction! Either you have to get up early for tour or the boys literally run into your room and jump on the bed shouting 'it's time to get up'. Hopefully they will be polite and not do that since we're guests and Chris house.

Boy was I wrong about having a lay in! Although it wasn't my fellow band mates who woke me, it was Chris. "Louis if you don't get up now I will pour this water on your head!"

"What time is it?" I moaned into my pillow.

"Ten to eight" Chris answered. I role over to see him stood beside my bed with a bottle of water in his hands. Please don't pour it on me!

"Why can't I have a lie in for once!" I question him.

"Cause we need to have a work meeting! Since yesterday you didn't turn up and all we did was play Fifa and drink beer!" Chris says, slamming open the curtains, letting the light break into my room. "Now up, I've made a full English breakfast for you and the boys!" He then leaves my room. Now I know there's a cooked breakfast waiting for me I have to get up before Niall eats it all!

So I roll out of bed and get changed. I go down stairs to find everyone already sat round the table, apart from Clover who I guess was probably still in bed. I sit down at what seems to be my usual place and immediately begin eating my breakfast which had already been waiting for me on the table.

"Okay, so there's three things i'd like to talk about, but I'll only talk about two cause I believe Simon has already been talking to you about what's happening with the fifth album" Chris says in between mouthfuls of food.

"Yeah, we've spoke about the fifth album so much lately. We are releasing it, we're just not going to tour it" Liam explains.

"So your guys are actually going ahead with the break then?" Chris questions.

"Yeah... We just need to break it to the fans before the news leaks out. We don't want the fans to think we're breaking up for good" Niall answers.

"Louis.. About this twitter argument with Zayn? How long is this going to go on for? You know the fans hate seeing you two fighting when you used to be so close!" Chris says, starring me right in the eye.

"Its just a bit of back and forth! Plus his completely dissing One Direction! I just won't stand for it! Especially since he was once a part of this band!" I say. My phone bleeps with a twitter notification, new tweet from Zayn Malik. I click on it to see what rubbish his talking about now, I read the tweet '#RealMusic'. "Real music? I'll show him what freaking real music is!"

"Louis he didn't even mean it! You know h-" Harry says in a comforting tone before I interrupt him.

"Drop drag me down!" I demand.

"Louis-" Liam tries to say something, but I guess we'll never know what, cause I interrupt him too.

"I said drop it!" I demand again. We said we weren't going to do a big run up to it a way, so why not now! Better time as any.

"Fine! Any objections before I email Simon saying to release it?" Chris asks, no one says anything. "I take that as a no then. Email sent".

I calm down now knowing our new single will be released soon! I can't wait for the fans to hear it!

"What else was it you wanted to talk to us about?" Niall asks Chris.

"Oh yeah... None of you are aloud to date my goddaughter! I don't want her to have anything to do with famous business!" Chris states. We all just continue eating. "Understood?" We all nod, apart from me. But Chris didn't notice.

5 minutes later.

Chris had gone up stairs to sort out paper work. Liam had gone to his guest room to video chat Sophia his girlfriend. Harry and Niall are making toast in the kitchen, while I'm just drinking my orange juice. Chris has the best juice, its a Denmark brand he gets from Clover's family I guess. Speaking of Clover, she had just walked down the stairs, wearing a cute floral top, light denim shorts and her hair lying perfectly down her back, and might I say she looked hot!

"Morning Clover! Fancy some burnt toast?" Harry laughs, watching Niall take his piece of toast out of the toaster.

"You know what i'm alright thanks!" She laughs. She walks over to the fridge and gets out a smoothie like drink. "Anyway I have to have this for breakfast to get the proteins, iron and vitamins I miss out by not eating meat or diary products". She drinks half of it there then walks over to Jeremy's cage and drops some crickets in the small food dish. They attempt to jump out but end up jumping straight into Jeremy's mouth. She then comes and sits next to me at the diner table to finish her smoothie.

"Morning" I smile.

"Morning" She giggles. "I've got so much homework to do, and I need to make up an excuse for Clara as for why she saw you last night on video chat".

"Just say you downloaded a filter where it looks like your sat next to various famous people" I suggest, "I'm sure it's a thing somewhere on the internet"

"Yeah" She nods.

I bet Chris won't be happy if he finds out I fancy Clover, but he doesn't need to know anyway. But I do really want to ask her out once I've gotten to know her more.


~Clover's P.O.V.~

I'd just like to point out how hot Louis today! I mean oh my god! He had a tank top on which showed off all the tattoos on his arm. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm around Louis. It's not that fangirl feeling, cause I'd get that around the other boys as well. I only get this feeling around Louis.

"I need to go pick up an order from pets at home. Anyone wanna come along?" I ask. Harry and Niall are to busy arguing over who'd survive a zombie apocalypse out of everyone in the band to even hear my question. Louis just nudges me on the arm and says, "I'll come".

"Cools let's go" I say and pick up my keys for my little blue mini cooper. I may or may not of got it because it looks like the car Louis drives in the video for 'Gotta Be You'. I was gonna buy it either way, the fact that it looks like the car in the video is a added bonus.

"So what you getting?" Louis asks as we pull out of the car park. Luckily there had been no fans in the lobby, so we were able to get out easily.

"Well I got a email last night from pets at home saying I had reached the maximum points on my VIP card, so I had to spend some before anymore could be put on my card. So basically I just reserved some stuff on the website I liked, and I'll probably also get some more crickets" I say, turning into the busy traffic of London. I turn on the radio, and on comes 'Night Changes' by One Direction.

"Oh yeah this is my jam!" Louis joked and starts doing a silly dance.

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