Chapter 13

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~Louis' P.O.V~

It's been a month. A month spent without my beautiful girlfriend. Yes I've video chatted her. Everyday. But it's not enough! I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world you feels like this cause their other half is millions of miles away! Or am I just love drunk?

Since me and the boys are now well into our break from One Direction, we've moved out of Chris' place and back into our own apartments.

Harry has got a job in acting. Niall is travelling and playing far to much golf. Liam is spending a lot of time with his new girlfriend. And what have I been up to you ask? NOTHING! The most I've done is drive up to Doncaster to spend a week with my family.

I know what i should do! I'll ask Chris where Clover lives, and... I go surpise her in Denmark! I could stay with her for a while! Yes! That's what I'm going to do!

I immediately turn off my television, I had been binge watching Friends, and leap off my sofa! Grab my phone, hoodie and keys and sprint out of my apartment. Chris better be at home!

~Ten minutes later~

*knock, knock, knock, knock*. I hammar on Chris' apartment door. *knock, knock, knock, knock*.

"Alright! Calm down, I'm coming!" I hear Chris shout from inside the apartment, a few moments later the door opens, "come in Louis".

"How did you know it was me?" I question, walking into the apartment.

"Your the only one I know who particularly breaks down a door when your knocking it!" Chris says, slumbing down into the sofa. "So what do you want?"

"Do I have to want something in order to visit the world's best manager?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Quit it with the sass Tomlinson, what do you want?" He asks.

"I was just wondering... can you tell me where Clover lives in Denmark? Please?" I say, giving him my puppy eyes look. "I'd like to go surpise her".

"Aw Tommo you big romantic!" Chris says punching my shoulder. He grabs a sticky note and writes me her address.

"Also... can you help me book the flight?" I ask.

"Sure..." Chris says picking up his laptop.

~20 minutes later~

"There you are Tommo, flight and Danish hire car booked. And before you ask, yes I booked you the window seat on the plane!" Chris says, and I go over to his printer to collect the flight ticket and boarding pass.

"Thanks Chris!" I say patting his head and messing up his hair. "One more thing..."

"What?" Chris says giving me an evil glance.

"Could you drop me off at the airport?" I ask.

"Sure. A Louis out of the country is a Louis out of my hair!" Chris laughs.

~One week later~

Here I am. On a plane. On my way to Denmark! It's been very hard, but I haven't told Clover that I'm coming! I can't wait to see her!

"Attention all passengers, the plane is now making its desent. Please serculy fasten your seats and turn off all technology. Thank for flying with us today" The voice of the air hostest says through the speakers.

A few minutes later I feel the wheels of the plane hit the ground. That's it. I'm now offically in Denmark!

As soon as I get off the plane and through boarder control my eyes become blinded to the flashes of cameras. So I immediately pull up my hood, put on my aviator glasses and begin to battle my way through the army of paparazzi under I reach the car hire outside.

As soon as I walk through the gates of the car hire place all of the paparazzi stay on the other side. I walk into the hut in the middle of the yard and walk over to the desk.

"God dag Herre, hvordan kan jeg hjælpe dig?" The man behind the desk says, (good day sir, how may I help you?).

"I'm sorry, English?" I ask.

"How may I help you?" He asks.

"I've booked a hire car" I say and hand him the paper work. He does some tapping on the computer, asks to see my passport then after i hand over the deposit, he finely leads me out to a car.

"Here you go sir" The man smiles and hands me the keys to the Toyota yaris hybrid in the colour blue.

"Thanks" I say, returning the smile and unlock the car. I put my suitcase and backpack in the boot, then climb into the drivers seat. I turn on the set nav and copy in the address off of the pink sticky note.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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