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The next day I woke up at 10:30. I thought all the boys would be up, so I took a shower and put on a dress shirt and some shorts. I went downstairs to the kitchen. No sound. So I just opened the fridge and got an apple for myself.
"Good morning"
I heard a low, scruffy voice say. It was Calum. If you didn't know, I'm a huge Calum girl. So just seeing him in the morning like that made me feel all giddy inside.
"Oh my gosh Calum, you scared me." I said.
"Uh sorry, so what's the plan for today?"
"Well since we got a day off, I thought maybe we could go to an amusement park or to the beach." I say.
"Did someone just say amusement park?" I heard Michael yell from his
room. He was coming down the stairs.
"Uhh yeah, me and Calum were just planning on what to do today. Do you wanna go to an amusement park or to the beach?"
"Umm well I guess the beach sounds better to me." Calum said.
"Yeah, I'd love to go to the beach. See those hot girls playing volleyball." Michael said.
"Shut up Michael!" Luke yelled from his room.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
"The beach sounds good." Ashton said.
"SHUT UP MICHAEL. And I'm fine with going to the beach." Luke said whilst coming down the stairs. 
"Ok then the beach it is." I said.
"Do you guys wanna go somewhere to eat or do you wanna eat here. It'll take longer for my helpers to make food, so I suggest we go somewhere." I said.
"Sure, where do you wanna go?" Ashton asked.
"Umm maybe to this nice cafe that I like to eat at. It has a pretty good breakfast choice." I said.
We all agreed to go there. We hopped into the car, my driver was driving.
"I still can't believe that we're going to have breakfast with the Jane Fwain." Michael said, acting like a fan girl.
"I can't believe that I'm having breakfast with 5sos!" I say,
trying not to show too much of my fan girlness.
We arrive at the cafe. Some fans see us and ask to take pictures. I love the fans, so of course, I take pictures. As we were walking down the line of fans, one of the fans says,
"Eww I didn't want to take a picture with you, you slut."
Ouch. Well I don't care. Let them call me whatever they want.
"Oh um sorry-"
"HOW DARE YOU CALL HER A SLUT?" I heard Calum yell.
"Calum, calm down." Ashton said.
It was very silent. I could tell Calum was trying to calm down. Before he could say anything else, my security guard said that it was time to go.
"Calum, mate, what happened there?" Ashton asked.
"I-I don't know. I mean, do people call you a slut often?" Calum asked me.
"Well, um, I mean of course people call me a slut. It's usually when I'm spotted with another guy celebrity. But ya know. I don't really care. I'm kind of used to it really. I just don't pay attention."
"Well you shouldn't let them call you that, because you're not a slut." Calum said in a whisper tone. "You're actually really nice."
I don't think anyone heard that because he said it so quietly, but I heard it.
And I melted inside.

Thanks for reading this chapter. Oh my gosh, does Calum have a thing for Jane? Oh my gosh. Do you guys ship it?
Ooh a little romance thing going on here? I don't know...

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