Dating? Dating

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"So have you decided what you're doing?" Brian asks.
We're at a meeting with our publicists.
"Yes." Calum nods.
"We are going to be dating."
"Okay. Wow. Good. This is a good decision." Lauren says.
"But that's not it." Calum says. He looks at me as if to ask if I'm sure.
I nod.
"We are going to date in real life." I say.
"What do you mean in real life?" Brian asks.
"Like not fake anymore." Calum says.
"Oh." Lauren says. "Well I'm happy for both of you. Um congrats?"
"Yes, now we don't have to tell you what to do." Brian says.
We leave the building, holding hands. Even when there are no paps around.
"Where do you want to go?" Calum asks.
"Food?" I say. I'm always hungry. "Wait, but no where like expensive or such. We are going to eat hamburgers." I say.
"Okay. But why hamburgers?" Calum asks, smiling.
"Well, since we are boyfriend and girlfriend, boyfriends and girlfriends always have to see how the other one looks when he eats hamburgers, to see if they still want to date them."
Finally, I can be myself with Calum. Before It was always elegance and politeness. Now I can show him who I truly am.
He laughs. He has a really good laugh.
"Where in the world did you read that?" Calum asks, as he opens the car door for me.
"The Internet." I proudly say.
"As Abraham Lincoln once said, 'Don't believe what you read on the Internet'." Calum says.
I laugh.
"Now I'm guessing you read that on the Internet." I say still laughing.
"Yeah. Tumblr." He laughs along.
We arrive at a Taco Bell and order our burgers.
"Okay, one, two, three," I count and then we stuff our face with the burger. I tried to look extra bad. I look up to see how Calum's eating his but I'm met with a flash and a humongous laugh from Calum.
"If you took a picture of me, I'm gonna kill you."
"Which way. Gun or jut your bare hands?" He asks as he shows me his phone.
The picture has been posted on Instagram and 500 people have already liked it.
"CALUM!!" I whisper scream because we are not the only ones at the fast food restaurant. Unfortunately.
He just keeps laughing.
"I literally hate you." I say.
"Awe me too." He says.
"Okay fine, I'll delete the picture later. But first, I have to eat my burger."  He says.
"K. Now I get to watch you." I say.
He stuffs the burger in his mouth and I start laughing because he made the funniest face in the world as he bit into it. We keep eating and laughing and making fun of each other. I decide to take my camera out and video tape him, just for memories. Because right now I feel really happy and I want to save that happiness.
He poses with his burger for the picture but I'm not taking a picture, I'm video taping, so it even looks funnier.
"Wait, are you video taping?" He says after standing in the same pose for like 2 minutes.
"Yes you idiot." I laugh.
This is a good memory. I'm happy. I'm really laughing. I haven't laughed in such a long time.
We decide to go home afterwards because we want to tell the boys that we're dating.
"Stop being so cute and get over here." Michael yells from the living room as we open the door to the house.
"What?" We both laugh.
"Your cute date is all over the Internet." Ashton says.
"Really?!? We didn't see any paps." I say.
"Well apparently there were a few fans at the restaurant and they were taking a bunch of videos of you guys." Luke says.
"One posted some on Instagram and captioned it saying,
"OMG saw these two at taco bell today and they were being so cute and they both looked sososo happy! I think it's cute and I think everyone should support it bc it ITS JUST SO SUPER CUTE OMG."
How cute." Ashton says.
"Too much cute in one paragraph." Michael says.
"Are you guys hungry?" I ask.
"Not really. But I mean we could eat." Ashton says.
"Yeah I was just thinking that we all together don't hang out very much. We could just stay at home and watch some movies if you want." I say.
"That's a pretty cool idea, but I can't sorry. We had scheduled a meeting with some people. Maybe like tomorrow?" Luke says.
"Actually that's cool. I'm kinda tired anyway." I say.
"I'm staying." Calum says.
"Right then, we have to go, see you lovebirds later! DON'T TRY TO DO ANYTHING WEIRD PLEASE CALUM!" Michael yells.
"K bye!" Calum says.
"So what do you want to do?" I ask.
"Let's go to the beach and have a night picnic." Calum says.
"That's great but I'm really sleepy. We might fall asleep there." I say whilst laughing.
"We'll be able to. I'm pretty sure." He says.
We go to the kitchen to get some snacks including: Sandwiches like tons, chips, Arizona tea, popcorn, fruits, bread which is weird but I just like bread, chocolates, candies, cookies, tea, guacamole, and pizza. I think we'll be pretty full after this but it's okay.
"I'll go change into my bathing suit and we'll be ready to go, yeah?" I say.
He nods and goes to his room.
I pick out this really pretty bikini that I got from this company. It's grey and it has these little diamonds everywhere that shine and it's just really pretty. I put this pretty romper over it and I get some blankets and candles for some fun. I also get a sweater because it might be cold there.

"You ready?" Calum says outside my door.


Are you dying of the feels right now because I sure am. They're so cute I can't. *sigh* I will never get this kind of relationship. Ok hope you have a great day and thank you so much for 400 reads! I was so happy when I woke up and saw this OMG thank you! Ily.

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