Beach day.

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We arrived at the beach around 1:30. There weren't many people there, so that meant no fans. I love the fans, but after what happened earlier, I don't want 5sos to know what people really say to me. Calling me a slut was nothing. I get called way more things than that. But I don't care. I just ignore them.
"Wow it's so sunny today!" Michael says.
"Yeah, it's a good day to get a tan." I say. "Um I'm gonna go change into my bathing suit."
I put on my bikini. I have this neon blue bikini, that really stands out in the water. I bought it from this really weird store in Hawaii. They told me that if I wore it, I would find my true love. Haha that hasn't happened. So I just wear it because it's really pretty.
"Wow, are you sure you're not a bikini model?" Luke asks as I step out of the changing room. I slap him and say,
"Shut up."
All the boys are staring at me, so I decide not to make more awkward than they already are.
"What are you guys waiting for? Let's jump in!"
I run towards the water and I felt the cool water on my toes. It feels so good. I fell the little sand mixing with the water and it just makes me so happy. Until of course someone has to ruin that feeling by pushing me in the water.
"MICHAEL!" I yell.
"Bahahahaahhaha. I'm sorry, I just kind of had to. Bahahaha, you should've seen your face." Michael says, clearly not sorry at all.
"Well do you want to see your face?" Ashton asks with a grin on his face.
"Don't you dare tell me that you video taped that." I say.
"Well already 2,456 people have seen it to be exact." Ashton says.
"I hate you. You didn't post that on Instagram, did you?"
"Yep I did."
"Come here, let me see it." I say.
"Here see." Ashton shows it to me.
But I don't look at it, I jut shove him into the water.
"Haha PAYBACK!" I yell.
"Wow this water is so refreshing. CALUM, LUKE, MICHAEL! GET IN HERE!"
Luke, Calum, and Michael race into the water. I hear their little screams of how cold it is. We play around in the water for a while. Luke splashes water on Michael, Michael splashes water on Ashton, Ashton splashes water on Calum, and they all team up together and splash like a huge wave of water on me. Ugh they're so annoying.
After we splished and splashed in the water for a while, we decided that we should get some snacks and eat on the beach.
"Hi! Can I please have a bag of cheese chips, a bag of bacon chips, a bag of potato chips, a bag of onion chips, and a bag of cheese Doritos please." I say to the lady standing at the snack booth.
"Anything to drink with that?" The lady asks me.
"Umm how bout a can of Mountain Dew, Sprite, Pepsi, Arizona tea the watermelon flavor, and some root bear please."
"Ok. Are you and your friends having some kind of party over there?" Pointing to the boys, which were pretty much going crazy.
"Umm yeah, sort of." I say.
"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Jane Fwain, from that movie, long gone? She won an Oscar, you know." She asks me.
"Umm yeah, yeah, I get that a lot." I say smiling to myself.
"Well you really look like her. That'll be twenty dollars."
I give her the money and get the snacks. Since I have about ten things to carry, it's a bit challenging. I'm about to drop the Mountain Dew along with a bag of chips, when Calum takes about most of it from my hands.
"Umm thanks. I would've dropped your drink if you didn't catch it." I say.
"No problem."
We walk in silence to the boys, where Michael and Ashton are pretty much jumping on Luke, while Luke looks perpetually dead.
"Guys stop, you're gonna kill him." I say giggling.
"Nah we do that all the time anyways. He's never died yet." Michael says smiling. "Ooh give me my bacon chips and my Pepsi."
I give all the boys their food and we settle down to enjoy our snack.
"So Jane, when'd you start acting?" Luke asks.
"Umm I think in college, I was actually only in my second year of college, and I decided to audition for a movie. It went quiet well."
"What was your first movie?"
"It was called the flyways. It was a comedy. I actually enjoyed it a lot. But I didn't have that big of a part."
"Oh I love the flyways! It's so hilarious. I actually remember you. You were the friend, right?" Michael asks.
"Yep that was me."
We had a nice little chat, but then we heard the screams. The fans.
"Oh my gosh, can we take a picture?"
"Luke, hey Luke! Luke!"
"Do you carry your Oscar award around with you everywhere?"
Thanks to my security guard, we only took a few pictures and then we had to go.

Yay another chapter. This one was kinda lame but still I liked it. I hope you're enjoying this story so far. It's gonna have way more drama I promise.

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