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"Wake up!" I heard someone scream in my ear.
"Mmm no!" I say.
"Come on, get up, you have a big day ahead of you! Come on, getty up."
It was my publicist, Lauren.
"Ughh I don't want to."
"Come on, we have some really important meetings to go to today."
"K fine, I'm getting up."
I actually did get up and went to the bathroom, because hey, who doesn't go to the bathroom in the morning? I did all the business that I had to do in the bathroom and then headed downstairs.
"Hi." I heard Michael say as I came into the kitchen.
"Hey, what's for breakfast?"
"I think one of your helpers made omlet."
"Oh yay, goodie."
I sat down and ate my breakfast.
"So what're you gonna do today?" I asked Michael because he looked really bored.
"Umm I think we're supposed to go to some interviews and then we have some meetings. You?"
"Um I think I have just meetings today.. Stuff like that."
Just then, my publicist walked into the kitchen,
"Hey guys, so Jane, you have three meetings total today. The first one, you have with your director, he said he needed to talk to you about stuff, I'm not sure what but still. Second one you have is with the YouTube committee, they have some stuff they also need to talk about. And the last one you have today is with Calum's publicist. Actually calum and calum's publicist will be there, and you and I will be there too."
"Umm ok, but why with his publicist?"
I asked, confused.
"You'll see.." She said with a smirk on her face.
"Ok, well then, I better start getting ready." I say, getting off of my chair and heading upstairs.
"Bye!" Michael says.
"Bye, see you later." I say.
As I'm heading upstairs I'm thinking about why in the world would I have to meet with Calum's publicist. Why not Michaels? Or Luke's? Why Calum's? As I'm thinking about all these things, I don't notice as someone is walking right into me.
"Oh hi!" Calum says.
"Hi." I say.
It was very quiet and akward so I said,
"Umm I'll see you today later, right?"
"Yeah see you." He says.
Without another word said, I run to my room and slam the door.
Well that was awkward.
I step into the shower, I like the water, it's refreshing. After I'm done with my shower, I blow dry my hair and then straighten it a bit. Hmm what should I wear today? I decide to wear my white skin tight dress that stops right about a foot from my feet and I pare it with a brown fake fur coat over it, pared with some nude high heals. I know, Kardashian style much?
But I mean, why not?
The day was kind of boring, I mean, meetings and such are not the most interesting things in life but eh, life of an actress. Approaching the end of this boring day, we went into the meeting room where we were supposed to meet calum and his publicist.
"Hi, my name is Brian, and I'm sure you know who Calum is."
A medium sized man, not too tall, not too fat, pretty good looking with his brown hair and light brown eyes. But still, not my type.
"Yes, I've had the pleasure of meeting Calum. And this is my Publicist, Lauren." I say.
"Hi! I'm Lauren, we already talked over the phone about the things we'd be discussing today." Lauren says.
"Right, let's get straight to business then, shall we?" Brian asks.
We sat down at a table. Me and Calum on one side, and our publicists on the other.
"So there has been a lot of rumor about Jane supposedly dating one of the 5sos boys, which I'm sure you've heard of. Now, Lauren and I, as publicists, have investigated a bit more about this rumor, and we've realized that mostly, people think and more like want, you two, to date each other. And we, as publicists decided it would be a great idea. So what we want you two to do, is to start dating. It's that simple." Brian says.
Well, it's not really that simple by the looks of mine and Calum's faces. I mean, well, I guess, I mean, I am a huge calum girl, but still, I'm sure calum would never even think about that. Yes, he has said I was beautiful, but that means absolutely nothing. Before I could say anything, Calum spoke up,
"Is this a choice you're giving us, or..."
"Well, it would be really good if you both could date because your fame would rise much more." Lauren said.
I knew that meant that we didn't have a choice. Either make it, or break it.
I was the first to speak up,
"Find. I mean, okay, yeah sure, I'll do it. But for how long?" Oh no, that probably seemed like I really didn't want this to happen. Oh well, I hate myself.
"Well until you want to break it off."
Well umm ok? Ok, you can do this, I say to myself.
"Could we have a moment in private?" Calum asks our publicists.
They leave.
"Listen, you don't have to do this because I am much younger than you and-" I start babbling but Calum interrupts me.
"No. No, it's fine. We can do this. You don't have to because it'll probably mean nothing to you but it will bring more popularity for me and the guys. So yeah, we can do this."
He says, not looking me in the eye.
Well then, I guess I'll just be dating the crush of my life, because it's that simple.

I'm just smiling because I've really wanted this to happen. Yay they're gonna date. My means more drama. I hope you're enjoying it so far.
I you're wondering what Jane looks like I shall explain:
She has dark brown hair, but not too dark. And we eyes are half hazelnut but still half dark brown. She's got dark brows and not too fat and not too skinny lips. She's pretty skinny, but again, like not model size. She's also about 5'7ish 5'8ish.
So yeah, she's really pretty.

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