Chapter 11

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Bee's pov
We all suited up and got ready. "Ok guys get ready because when that door opens its fight time" Ward told us as he went into the pilot room and started to land the plan. He landed on the ground and we got our weapons ready. The door open and we got out and went back into he forest

Bee's POV

We were walking, but then I saw her again. I don't know why, but I started chasing her and she disappeared again. Will caught up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. " She's gone. Again" I whimpered. He brought me close and hugged me tight, but then I heard her scream. I ran towards the sound and instead of finding her I found a boy around my age. Maybe a year older. He had fell and had a cut on his cheek and bruises all over his arms. " Ate you okay?" I asked worried. " Yeah I'm fine. Just fell" he said before asking " What's your name?". " Bee what's your's?" I asked. " Mitchell Straub". " Bee are you okay?" Will said before noticing Mitchell. " Who are you?" He asked. " Mitchell" He said again. " do you want to come along with us?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. " Yeah sure. It'll be fun".

Bee's pov
Me and Struab walked a head of the others, and as we walked I told him about mine and Will's adventure."I used to think these powers were a gift but then I leaded for much of a curse it is" Struab told me. "What , this has changed my life , and to be honest I like this life a lot more" I told him. "Wow out of all people you should know what I mean" he told me "show me your powers" I asked him. "I-I can't" he told me with a frown . "Why you too chicken" I asked him. "No o got rid of them" he told me.i stopped and looked at him , shocked

" wait what!?!" I said. " I got rid of them" he said and we continued walking in silence. 6 days later I felt as if I had known Straub forever. We had been talking and joking around and it was so much fun. I felt as if I liked him, but I also liked Will. One day Sky told is that Liam was coming and said he wanted to meet me with Straub alone at a clearing. Will didn't want me to go, but eventually he let me and so me and Straub walked towards the place Liam told us to meet him at. When we got there, he was alone and then he said " I will leave all of you alone if you come with me Bee" he said. " No!" Straub yelled. " we can easily get away from you again" I said. He laughed and then said " actually as long as you have your powers I can track you. For some odd reason I can only do that to you" Liam said. " You can track me?" I said confused and scared. " yes and unless you can find some magical way to get rid of your powers I will hunt you down and make sure everyone that you love is destroyed. I want my revenge on you Bee. Forget about Will. You defeated me and you will pay for it" Liam said. Straub looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and turned to Liam " I will NOT go with you" I said before blasting him and running towards the plane. When we got to the plane we told them everything and then I went into my room and Straub followed. " He's not going to leave us alone" I sighed. " unless you give up your powers" Straub said looking at me. " I know I could do what you did, but 1 it's dangerous and 2 I'm not sure. I feel as if my powers are apart of me and I just.... I just can't. Please can I have more time to think?" I said. " Of course" Straub said. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I was about yo stand up and walk away when he leaned in and kissed me.... And I kissed back, however I quickly pulled back. " I -I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry I just I just can't" I said before running off to Stacy's room. I told her everything how Straub kissed me and how I could get rid of my powers. " I don't know what to do" I said. " I love Will, but I think I'm falling for Straub" I said and sighed and she sighed too. " everything will work out in the end. Don't worry" Stacy said before we had a movie marathons in a flying war plane. I never thought I would ever do that.

After when I laid in bed , I couldn't stop thinking about the choice I had to make , go back to my normal boring life , or stay here and fight the battle against Liam . I sighed , then I had a flash back of that day when I first meat Will. We had just bumped into each other in the hall way , I remember that face he gave me when he touched my hand, then my flash back went ahead to when Will saved me from Liam, then to were we meat Stacy an Graser, then that time were we accidentally walked in on the making out, then it went to what looked like Will right now , in his room. He looked worried I could lightly hear what he was say. "Bee can't do this , she can't leave me , I can't lose her like this, I love her " he said to himself in his room. Then I was snapped back into reality when I saw Graser standing in the door way to my room. "Hey Bee , I herd what's going on , everything with you and Struab , then all the things about your powers...." I cut him off. "No , don't start , you can't make me choice" I told him. "No , Bee , I just wanted to tell you , don't let anyone influence you choice , you choose what you want to do , and stop worrying about other people so much and Worry about yourself" Graser told me as he gave me a hug

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Have a good day speedsters

From the one and only AlleyFlash

Thanks to PurpleKittykat393 she is awesome!!!!

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