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I see the dark mark outside the astronomy tower. Who's died? I rush away from the window and grab my wand. I leave the common room in fear, careful not to wake anyone and sneak out of the portrait hole. I rush down the halls. When I approach the tower I see death eaters battling in front of the stairs to my father's office. "Father!" I scream. Lucius Malfoy stops fighting and turns around, his wand held up. I have no time for him though. I run past all the death eaters and blast away the barricade that blocks the stairs.

I run up the cold, clammy stairs praying that he's alive, that he's alright. Then I reach the top and Sprint into the office. What I see, makes my blood freeze. My friend Draco Malfoy points his wand at my father, Draco's hand shakes even though dumbledore is unarmed. "Amy." My father whispers my name, "I love you." His voice is soft, as if he expects to die. I point my wand at Draco. It's my friend or my father. "Draco, please. Don't do this, he's my father." I plead. "Amy, you know that he's n-" I cut him off. "Don't you dare." I say, "don't you dare say that!" "Expelliarmas!" I shout, as my spell sends his wand flying. Snape appears at the threshold with some death eaters, Snape catches the wand mid air, he would have been a great seeker.  He shoves Draco aside and points the wand at my father. "No!" I scream, "Expelliarmas!" A death eater shouts. My wand drops from my hand, and the death eater points his wand at me. "Severus, please. Please-" my father pleads, "Avada kedarvra!" Snape's killing curse hits dumbledore in the chest, and I watch him give me one last sad smile, before falling off the tower into the dark of night.

I feel my tears coming, salty and wet, running down my cheeks. "He trusted you! How could you?" I shout, channeling my anger at Snape. The death eaters are so busy laughing that I manage to pick up my wand. "Stupefy!" The spell hits one of the death eaters. They aim their wands at me. "leave her!" Someone shouts, "She is no threat."

 They leave, and I crumple to the ground, curl into a tight ball and weep, The tears stinging my cheeks like poison. My heart is broken, and he is gone. My father is gone forever. I've lost my only family, forever. My father will never speak to me again, never hug me again, never move again. He will sleep forever, and Snape is going to pay.

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