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"Reducto!" Someone shouts. Yaxley's Back. You can think of this later. You have a battle to fight, who cares about who you are? You need to do your best to defend the muggles, to follow Ron's final request. I pull myself together, raising my dark cherry wood wand up as high as it will go.

 I whip round. Yaxely lands behind me pointing his wand at me. "Let's finish what we started." He says laughing, " And if I'm correct your around the top of the wanted list for various crimes against the ministry." "That's correct. But if you want your reward you have to catch me, so come and get me Yaxely!" I shout. Then I bolt off in the other direction, hoping he won't lose me in the crowd of muggles. "Stupefy!" I shout turning back around and catching him off guard. He topples to the ground with a crash. I grab two random muggles by the elbows and appirate.

We arrive at Hogwarts gates. "You took a while, what happened?" One of the muggles that I took from the coffee shop asks. "Lots of stuff, no time to explain. I need to go back." I say, and the muggles clutching my arms let go. I appirate.

"Amy duck!" Hermione yells. I'm too late. The jinx has hit me. I fall to the ground. The world bucks and sways and the last thing I hear is hermione's exasperated and desperate scream of, "No!" Everything swirls violently. My eyes feel heavy. Without any warning what so ever, the scene of London disappears and is replaced by blackness. My last desperate thought is, what happened? Then my thoughts are gone and my mind is blank, and everything feels gone.

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