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The darkness fades away. Where am I? I attempt to stretch but I realize my hands are bound, and I am chained up. The room is dark and murky, but strangely familiar. Daylight streams in through a fancy window with emerald green curtains. I'm sitting, chained to a chair that is carved and painted to perfection. Next to me is a table, made of the same dark, smooth painted wood of the fancy chair. Matching chairs surround the table. The floor is well cleaned and polished. The room's walls are covered with expensive paintings and tapestries. Now I know where I am, and why this place is so familiar. I also know why my name is on the large tapestry of names that covers a whole wall. I also know why my name is beside the name Draco Malfoy, and under the two names of Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. This is the Malfoy manor.

I hear a voice that I reconize. I reconize the usually calm tone that has now become desprate. "Please, please! Yaxely I want to see her! I haven't seem her in so long, and this is my house!" Draco says. I hear Yaxely's cold reply as well, "No one's seeing her until the dark lord gets here. He wants to be the first to speak to her. He wants her untouched and unmeddled with. He wants her own decision to be pure.  He wants her to say yes of course, but not out of influence. He wants the truth, and if she says no, he will kill her." "No one will kill my sister!" Draco shouts angrily, "She's still my twin sister no matter what she, Dumbledore and the...he says!" "That's why he's giving her the chance to join him and you know it." Yaxely says, his tone lighter than before, "She's still a pure blood. And every pure blood destroyed is a terrible waste, and there aren't nearly enough of us left. He's not going to kill her until he's sure she won't join him. You never know, she might." "She won't. You know very well that she won't, and she's right not to. If my parents weren't there to make me I'd never have rejoined him!" Draco shouts sounding impatient, "Now let me in!" Yaxely sighs. "Fine, but only for a second, and only if you promise not to say stuff like that to anyone but yourself." Yaxely says, sounding defeated. "Fine! Now let me in! He'll be here soon you idiot!" Draco yells. Yaxely sighs once more and murmurs something under his breath. I hear a door behind me open. Footsteps patter on the floor.

"Hi," Draco whispers, "Amy, it's good to see you again."

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