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I feel my tears blurring my vision. How could I lose another person? A blast of light that just misses my face reminds me that I'm at a fight scene. I realize that me and Hermione need to do something. We need to defend the muggles because Ron wanted us to. "Hermione!" I scream over the noise, "We have to fight back, we have to defend the muggles with all our effort because Ron wanted us to!" She nods and wipes the tears out of her eyes. We have to do this. For the muggles, for Ron. 

I glance round and my eyes rest on Lucius Malfoy. He raises his wand and points it at a muggle. "No!" I scream and charge forward. He turns to stare at me. I glare at him angrily and raise my wand. Soon we're standing face to face. Person to person. Wand to wand. "Expelliamas!" I cry and his wand flies from his hand. "You wouldn't." He says as I raise my wand higher. "I would." I say. Then I hesitate. Kill him, like his master killed Harry. But I can't kill him. And no matter who I want to think I am, I still am me. I can't kill the person that's so close to me, yet I can't let him live because of all he and his masters followers have done. I can't kill family, but I can't let a death eater survive. I must ingnore my personal feelings and fight for justice. I must murder him. I must be the undoing of my creator. I must kill Lucius Malfoy, my true father, my blood father.

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