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I am alone for a while, puzzling myself, confusing myself. Who am I? Why do I want to know if Draco will be ok? Why do I even feel like he's in danger? Why do I want to protect him? Are the others ok? Has anyone else died? How much time has passed since I appirated back to London and got hit by the spell? Are my friends alive?

I hear voices outside the door. Then Voldemort walks in. His eyes flash red like rubies, his bald scalpe looks almost shiny in the sunlight. His black robes ripple round him, and he clutches the elder wand. Dumbledore's wand. He stares at me. I glare back, trying not to seem afraid. Then he laughs. I don't like it. Not one bit. "I never thought I'd see you, dumbledore's adopted kid, sitting in front of me." He's mocking me and his laughter feels present, even if it's not. His lipless mouth is curled into something like a smile. His nostrils flare when he laughs and they look like slits when he doesn't. He needs a normal nose. It would make him less scary. But, then again, he's Voldemort. He's supposed to be creepy. I won't give him any pleasure, I won't reply. I stay silent.

"Did you speak to anyone before I came in?" I feel like he knows my secrets, like he can hear me think Draco did. I can't help it. Draco's words are stuck in my mind. "No." I whisper. He looks at me. "Don't lie, it doesn't suite you. Plus it's pointless. I can tell your lying." No he can't. He knows nothing about you. He knows nothing. He doesn't know who you are. But then again I don't know who I am either. I dare myself to say, "I'm not lying."

Then he makes eye contact with me. I fight the urge to look away. Liars look away. Then my vision blurs. I see his red eyes flash beneath my eyelids. Then I see  my own. What is going on? Why am I seeing this?

I see Harry, standing in the court yard at school. Harry stands beside me, his black hair a mess and his green eyes looking deep into mine. His robes are torn and messy. His scar pokes out from beneath his hair. This has already happened. It is a memory. "Amy, promise me you'll try. If I don't come back from the forest with Voldemort, you must promise that you'll help Hermione and Ron finish him. There's only one horcrux left, I want you to help destroy it. Then destroy him. Do you understand? It won't be easy, but I know you can do it. You have to trust me." He gazes at me pleadingly, "Your one of my best friends. I know you can succeed. Will you try?" "I promise. Harry, I'll do my very best." And I meant it. I tried. I tried so hard. I'm sorry Harry. I failed. "Good." He says. Then Harry Potter smiles, the last smile I ever saw and runs, in the direction of the forest. Why didn't I do more? Say more? Why did I not say a real goodbye? Why did I think that the boy who lived would live for longer? How would he survive voldemort's fifth attack? But he did. I think. It was the sixth one that killed him.

The scene changes. "Expelliarmas!" "Avada kadavra!" The flash of green light. Harry falling to the pavement. His eyes go glassy. One of the worst moments of my life is playing again in front of me. The day I gave up. The day I lost hope. If Harry couldn't kill him, who can? He is gone. The chosen one is dead.

Images flicker in front of my eyes. Then I see him. Dumbledore stands in the tower, Draco holds the wand, his wand. Draco's hand shakes. I hear my pleas, but snape comes and he still dies. I am forced to watch dumbledore topple off the tower again. I hear his final words echo in my mind. I love you. That word again. Love. What does it truly mean? I hope that what I feel for him is love.

Then I see Draco. We stand together in the great hall. We are waiting to be sorted. I stare at him. He smiles. I hear his voice say the words that I sometimes think of, words that have not yet faded. "Even if we are in different houses, we can still be friends right?" "Yes." I hear my own voice say, "but I am choosing Gryffindor." "Well, I don't think you can choose, but I'll go with Slytherin."

Then I see the moment that I've been thinking of the most, the one that just happened. "I love you sister." He says once more. Then I realize that this is one of the happiest memories that I have. The words I treasure the most. I don't want it to fade, but it is.

I open my eyes. "What just happened?" I ask. Voldemort smiles, but I can also see that he is angry. "Don't you get it? I read your mind Amy Malfoy, and I now have your brother to punish. Yaxely, go find Draco!" "Yes my lord." Then Yaxely returns with my brother. Draco draws his wand and mutters something. The chains disappear. Voldemort doesn't notice. Instead he screams, "Epelliamas!" And draco's wand soars through the air and clatters at my feet. I pick it up. Voldemort doesn't notice. He raises his wand, points it at Draco and screams, "Avada kadavra!" "No!" I scream. I dart in front of Draco and the killing curse hits me in the chest. With the last of my strength I point my wand at Voldemort and scream, "Avada kadavra!" And everything goes emerald green, and then a blinding white.

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