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I stare at Draco Malfoy. He's always so nice to me, yet he's so rude to everyone else. Even his father. What is he thinking of? Why did he want to see me so much? 

"How did you get yourself into this? I thought you were the careful one, you know the one who claimed they wouldn't get evolved. I thought you promised that they'd never catch you?" That's more like Draco. "Ha, like you know anything about careful. Plus, I wasn't planning on getting caught. I was so anxious to get back and fight, that I forgot to appirate in a different place." I mutter. "So your forgetful too." He teases, "it's good to see you again, but terrible to see you here. I thought I was the twin that always got caught." "Well, I don't see any chains or ropes round you. Perhaps they used invisible ones?" I mock, "Face it Draco, I'm the one that's in danger here. You just have to run round playing death eater." "While you run around playing fugitive?"

That makes us both silent. "I'm sorry," he whispers, "I guess I just don't want anything to happen to my twin sister." "Don't you dare say that! I hate it when people call you my twin, no matter what people say, Draco, we're two different people. We've made our own mistakes and choices. We're on opposite sides, for crying out loud!" I'm yelling now. I really shouldn't be. He's concerned about my safety, and what am I doing? Yelling in his face. Then again, I am chained up in his family's house and he doesn't appear to be doing anything about it. I guess we're even.

"Or so you say." Draco answers, mysteriously. "Or so everyone says!" I shout, "I'm not your younger twin sister! I'm your enemy! We both knew that since I ran away! You tried to kill my father!" "Your guardian." He corrects me, "If we're going to have this argument, we need to at least get the facts right. And technically, I've never done anything to you. I did all that to protect you." "What? Hold on, how is killing my father-" he gives me a look, "Fine! My guardian, protecting me?" He smiles at me sadly, "I thought you of all people would know what it would take to get me to even attempt to kill." "No, I thought you were an easily pursuaded coward, to be perfectly honest." I admit. I've wanted to have this conversation with him ever since he tried to kill dumbledore. I've wanted to know why he attempted it, and now I'm not liking the answer. "You don't have to be so sour." He mumbles, "And I am not an easily persuaded coward." "Then what was it that convinced you to try and kill my father?" I ask.

He doesn't correct me this time. Instead he just simply says, "You. Family." "What?" I question. "He said he'd kill all of my family. And then he told me that that included me and you. My lost twin. If you didn't count, I honestly might have not tried. I thought that mother and father had gotten themselves into this mess by becoming death eaters, but you, you were just born five minutes after me. You were just my sibling, my twin. You didn't follow the dark lord-" I interrupt, "Voldemort. Say the name. Fear of a name increases the fear of the thing itself." He smiles at me, "dumbledore used to say that. Guess he did rub off on you. You must be glad that you had him as a father. Are you pleased with the choice you made to stay with him, as his daughter?"

Am I? He was an amazing father. He was better than Lucius could have ever been. Was it worth it? Was dumbledore and his knowledge worth knowing that it secretly wasn't real. Was it worth knowing, that I wasn't really his? Was it all worth leaving my family, leaving Draco? Once, not so long ago, I wouldn't doubt my answer. Yesterday, I would have said yes. But who am I now? Am I still the girl I was yesterday or am I someone else? Who is Amy?

"I...I...I don't... I don't know, ok? I'm confused. I just don't know who I am anymore. I want to know. I want to be someone. I want to be something real." Then it happens. The tears that I keep holding back, pour down my cheeks, and with them comes a flood of emotion. Who am I? Do I still mean something? Is Draco still my brother? Has there ever been someone who's known as much pain as I have? Will I ever know who Amy really is?

Draco seems surprised. He holds my shoulder gently. "Amy, Amy please listen, listen to me. I want to help you. Ok? I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry." "It wasn't you. It's never been. It's always me. Always me that hurts you.  Always me that runs away. Always me that's the coward. Always me that causes harm. Always me. Always." I'm shuddering, not from cold but from anger and fear. Fear of myself. Angry that I put my protective brother through this. Did I just think of him as my brother? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? How did I get myself into this? What did I do wrong! How can I make things better?

Yaxely shouts from outside, "Draco you have to leave now! He's at the gate! The dark lord's coming!" Draco stares at me. Why doesn't he want to leave me? After what I put him through, how can he still care? "Amy, I need to ask you something. Will you forgive me?"I gaze at him, astonished by what I just heard. He should be forgiving me. "I never really got to appologize for what I put you through." I look into his dark eyes, he looks so much like me. "I'll forgive you if you can forgive me." I say. "For what? What have you done to me?" He asks, seeming equally shocked. "I put you through a lot. And I left. Remember?" I explain. "That was nothing. And it made me realize something. Something important. I forgive you, for whatever you thought you did. But could you ever forgive me? I tried to kill your father."

Then I say the words that I never thought I'd say, "He's not my father." I pause. He stares at me, bewildered. "I forgive you for trying to kill my guardian. But what did I teach you?" I ask. "What do you mean?" Draco asks. "My running away, what was the something important that I made you realize?" I ask. He turns round and says something I wasn't expecting. "You taught me what real love is." Then my brother kisses me on the cheek, and leaves the room. But before he does he whispers words that I will treasure forever. "I love you sister." Then he leaves.

I love you sister. What does he mean? How could he still think of me that way after all this time? How does he love me at all? What is real love? Is it an undying passion and will to protect someone? Or a word, with a separate meaning for each of us? Do I love Draco Malfoy?

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