Random Note 5 Akatsuki

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Taryn and Akatsuki:

Though in the past, Taryn has been involved with Akatsuki, she was never a main member and she has met few of its members. She was always in the wings of the organization and it was long before there was even talk of tracking the Jinchuuriki. Taryn usually tagged along with Itachi and Kisame, so she and Kisame know each other well. He even knows about her and Itachi, but never said a word to the others, even though some, like Sasori may have their suspicions. Of all Akatsuki members Taryn only ever met Konan and Zetsu and of course Orochimaru, who was still a member at that time. She hasn’t met Sasori and doesn’t know about him, but he knows her. Deidara only joined after Taryn had left. She doesn’t know the others, thought she has heard of Pain.


It is unknown why the One Tail has such deep hate for Taryn, but it is possible that it is because she could always stop him from taking complete control of Gaara. Or perhaps he was jealous of the love she had for her brother. Why he didn’t kill her when Gaara was still too young to control the sand is another mystery. Perhaps he needed someone that would take good care of Gaara so his host would be protected. Of course, he didn’t count on the deep bond that would grow between them


Temari’s got her sharp tongue from Taryn actually, even though they’ll both deny it. Taryn can be arrogant and sometimes she’s a bit hostile, but in general she’s a kind person. She just likes being on her own.

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