And then she fell

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Chapter 2- And then she fell

Sulli tried to remember when she last  felt her heart stop. When her father died? When her Mother left? Yes, there was a heart stopping moment during those times. But this is an entirely different feeling. This single second of memory will forever be an image in her mind like a scanned picture. This man, who she just met not an hour ago, who she just happened to take the same elevator as her, who is the person she is trapped in an elevator with, who just said random things to cheer her up would make her heart stop by just…by just a simple smile.  And now that her heart started beating again, it doesn’t make her feel any better. It’s as if her heart is racing. It is beating so fast and hard that it feels like her heart is trying to burst out of her chest.

“I…don’t think I want to cry anymore” said Sulli while staring at Minho’s face

“Why not? There’s only the 2 of us here. And I promise I won’t tell.” Said Minho, still smiling

“My tears…just went back up. So I don’t feel like crying anymore” said Sulli while trying to look away from Minho

“What?”  Minho started laughing again. This getting trapped inside an elevator does seem to get more entertaining by the second.

“Your tears just went back up? The law of gravity would tell you that that is not possible” said Minho in between laughs.

“Why are you laughing? I was not joking. I am serious. It seems all the tears I feel like shedding earlier just disappeared.” Said Sulli still with her expressionless face.

Minho looked at Sulli’s face well. She said she doesn’t feel like crying anymore. And she does look better than a minute ago. He felt relive. She’s not afraid anymore. The only problem left is how to get out of this elevator safe…and that’s the BIG problem.

Then they heard a voice shouting from outside the elevator.

“Hey, Are you OK there?” asked the voice of a man

“Yes, we’re still ok. There are 2 of us here. Are you here to help us get out?” asked Minho

Sulli can’t help but be amazed at how composed Minho is. Since they got trapped, He was always in control of himself. He would be a good boss in hard to deal situations.

“Yes, we will help you get out. But I’ll be honest. It won’t be easy. I’ll tell you the situation. In the current state of the elevator, only 1 person would fit the opening that we can make. So we can only save 1 person at a time. The problem is, your elevator right now as you may already know, is not stable. Some of the parts holding it in the left side is destroyed. If we rescue one of you, there is a high risk that the elevator would totally lose its balance. The remaining person’s safety…will be hard to tell.” Explained the voice

Sulli’s heart is racing again, but this time she’s sure it’s fear.

“You are saying that you can only guarantee the safety of one of us. And that the remaining person that will be left in the elevator…there’s a high possibility of him not making it out?” said Minho summarizing what the voice said

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