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Chapter 7- Dead-End

Minho is distracted the whole week. He can’t wait to meet Samuel Park and know what he has to say about the contract. Though he asked for a month to think about it, Samuel already wanted to meet him next week even if he still has more than 2 to 3 weeks. Does he have any question? Were the terms not that beneficial? What can he still offer him when he has already given the best offer he can under the circumstances. He worked with the best in his team to come up with it and he doesn’t have any contingent plans if that does not succeed.

Looking around his team, Minho can’t be any prouder. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but his team is a good blend. A person who is weak at one thing can be supported by another who is strong . Everyone is always busy and tired but they get things done and their team is soaring with all the contracts they are able to close. Specially the past week, with the Minho-Luis-Sulli tandem, they were able to close 3 contacts. Just yesterday night, Mr. Shepherd called him up to say that he has signed the contract and it’s on its way to his office. That news made him jump with joy. But that doesn’t solve the BIG problem.


The company lawyer called Minho up and they met in a coffee shop near the office.

“I heard some news that Samuel has been talking with a lot of his Board members the previous week. He was seen paying a visit to them and heard they were talking about some contract with SkyRock. I think that old man really wants to help your father . He’s going through a lot of trouble to influence his Board. But of course, he is a business man. Let’s admit that the contract does not give much benefit to a company as big as FlyAir. So what can he be thinking to go through all the effort for us? ” Said the Lawyer

“That’s what I like to know. He wants to see me tomorrow for lunch. I’ve been thinking of what he will be demanding, but as far as I know, we’ve already put everything in the contract. I don’t think we can give anything more. “ said Minho

“That’s really worrisome…What can he ask from a drowning company? Hmm…But Minho, whatever it is, you know there is only one answer right?” asked the Lawyer. “Whether we can give what he demands now or something we can only give in the future, the answer will always beYes.” Continued the Lawyer

“I know.” Said Minho taking a deep breath

“It’s hard when you know everything is not within your control. And that you have to say Yes to everything he might ask of you. I know how hard this is for you and I’ve seen you work hard the past months. But for your father’s sake, please bear it for a bit longer…and please always remember SkyRock when you talk to him. “ said the Lawyer


It was a Japanese style restaurant and Minho has no appetite at all. He came to the restaurant early and practiced his greeting a few times. When Samuel entered the room, he immediately composed himself and made his presence known.

“Good Afternoon, Mr. Samuel. It’s good to see you.” Said Minho

“You arrived early. I thought I was early.” Said Samuel

“I wanted to arrive here before you do.” Said Minho

Samuel smiled at that and proceeded to sit on the floor by the table.

“Ah, the food is already served. That secretary of mine is sometimes reliable. “ said  Samuel

Minho sat across Samuel

“She called me in the middle of the night for this Lunch, she seems to be working really hard.” Said Minho

“Well…She’s dedicated…anyway, how are you doing these days? I heard a lot of good things about you from Sulli.” Said Samuel.

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