The start of a Roller Coaster ride

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Chapter 3- The start of a Roller Coaster ride

5 years later

Present time

“ You have got to be kidding me! That childhood friend of yours is a total hottie!!!” said Luna while looking at Sulli’s tablet screen

“He’s ok…I don’t see him as “hot” though” said Sulli

Robbie sent her an email and a picture of his trip to Europe. Robbie is her childhood friend. When she left Korea when she was 8, Robbie followed her to the US to study there also. When she left the US to return back to Korea more than 5 years ago, Robbie felt really bad since Robbie was already then studying in the University. But they never stopped their communication. They are still as close as ever.

“You have very poor judgment, Girl. This kind of man was with you all the time in the US, and you've never become a couple? Tell me the truth, is it because He doesn’t like you?” asked Luna teasing Sulli

“You really think he’s handsome? He looks normal to me. ” said Sulli laughing

“And who would be handsome to you? That Elevator guy who risked his life to make sure you were safe?”

Luna knows the Elevator incident. Luna is one of the first friends Sulli had after she got back to Korea 5 years ago. They became really close when they decided to both take a management degree. Luna’s bubbly personality was a god influence to Sulli, Somehow from the years that they were always together, Sulli learned to be a bit more optimistic. Laughing has been part of her everyday life now.

“I know that you like this Elevator guy, but there’s very little chance for you and him. Yeah you see each other at parties. Yeah you attend all the parties even if you don’t like it just to get a glimpse of him.  And yes, he almost never fails you by showing up. But you hardly talk right? When was the last time you talked? I mean really talked and not just a few seconds of Hi-Hello?” asked Luna

“Ummm….well…” Sulli knows Luna has a point, from the Elevator incident, there hasn’t been any real conversation between Sulli and Minho the past 5 years

“We are not getting any younger. When someone as hot as this Robbie Darling shows us attention, we should grab the opportunity and enjoy our youth!” said Luna

Victoria suddenly appeared by the door breathless.

“Hey Girls, the list of graduates are now posted. Let’s see if our names are there!” said Victoria

Victoria is Luna’s cousin. She is also pretty close to Sulli like Luna.

While looking at the list, Sulli could not find her name.

“My name is there!!!” said Victoria almost hysterical

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