Insecurities [2]

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Dedicated to AverageDirectioner because I love her writing & I am so happy that she finished her bookie :)



Where are you now when I need you around, I'm on my knees but it seems we're going no where fast - Usher. Climax 


“Niiiii-aaaaaa-lllll” Louis banged on the bathroom door for what must’ve the fifth time since arriving. Louis had been outside of the door for three minutes trying to get Niall’s attention. There was muffled talking from behind the door and footsteps leaving the other side of the door. A delicate voice replaced the whiney one that Louis had spoken in.

“Niall” Emily cooed “Niall love, it’s me. I’m coming in” The door handle twisted, and to Emily’s surprise the door was unlocked and pushed open with ease.

“Ni-” Emily began. Emily’s eyes darted from Niall’s peaceful face, to the running tap, to the scarlet coloured water and eventually landed on the razor blade positioned on the side of the white tub that overflowed with water.

“NIALL” Emily shrieked as she ran to the bath. Not caring about the designer shoes she wore, Emily slumped down next to Niall as his eye lids covered his shimmering orbs. His face still tear stained from his crying.

“LIAM” the purple haired girl cried “LIAM, LOUIS, HARRY, ZAYN HELP” Emily screamed as she tried to pull Niall carefully from the over flowing bathtub. Her eyes fell upon the slits on Niall’s wrists, tears began to escape her eyes as the realisation hit her as to what Niall had done to himself. Things people had made him do to himself.

“What’s the mat-” Liam began “WHAT HAPPENED?!” Liam ran to Emily and supported Niall as she tried to pull him from the water.

“LIAM” Zayn spoke from down the hallway

“GET AN AMBULANCE ZAYN” Zayn came into view in the doorframe. His eyes widened at the scene in front of him. His eyes began to brim with tears as he watched his best friend. Louis and Harry darted to the bathroom door at Liam and Emily’s shouting.

“NIALL” Louis whimpered, his eyes turning glossy as he rushed to help the two getting Niall out of the bath tub. Gently the three placed Niall on the tiled bathroom floor.

“Help, my friend needs an ambulance” Zayn cried into the phone. Tugging Zayn out of the bathroom Harry took the phone from him and began to repeat to the operator what had happened.

“Liam support his head” Emily commanded as she stood from where she was kneeling. Looking for something she searched the room, whilst Liam glided his body under Niall’s head so his head rested on Liam’s knees. Louis whimpered as he turned the tap off that ran the water into the bath.

“Please don’t leave me Ni” Liam whispered to Niall’s lifeless body

“We love you Ni” Louis spoke

“Not now Niall, don’t leave us now” Liam added.

Emily’s eyes landed on Niall’s shirt that had been disregarded onto the bathroom floor. Grasping the material and ripping the hem so she had a shred of white cotton material in her hand. Repeating her action so she had two pieces, she moved to Niall and began to wrap the material above Niall’s bleeding wrists.

“Where’s the ambulance?” Louis shouted at Zayn and Harry who watched in horror, tears streaming from both of their eyes as Emily continued to stop the blood circulation to Niall’s wrists.

“Here” Harry whispered

“They’re nearly here” Blue lights began to flash from the street below, signalling that the ambulance was here.

They need to be quick.

The time is now 20:03

Insecurities (A OneDirection/Ziall Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now