Insecurities [8]

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Dedicated to amityhufflepuff for her Clace story! Luuuuuuurv it :)x

“So what happens now?” Harry squeaks as all six of them sit in the office, awaiting the answer they have been anticipating for the last twenty minutes.

“We try again tomorrow” The doctor breathed, keeping eye contact with the brown curly haired boy.

The walls a dull off-white colour, reflected exactly how every person in this room feel. All had been staring at the man in the button up white shirt. No words were spoken from the six of them as they all kept their eyes on the man in front of them. Each processing the information that he had just given to them.

Nobody reacted

Nobody knew how to react

“We will give his body a twenty-four hour period to adapt to the morphine we are pumping into his system. Today, Niall’s body may not have adjusted to the drugs so naturally his body has rejected the idea of waking up and working for itself. So, for the time being we will continue to keep him on the pacemaker, this will keep the muscles in heart moving in the right way. Niall will also remain on the ventilator for as long as we feel he needs it.”

Tears edged in all of their eyes as they listened intently to the words leaving the doctors lips.

“I’m sorry” The doctor whispered as the pager on his pocket began to beep erratically, he rose from his feet and exited the room, leaving all of them in their seats.

“I-I n-need t-to go home” Zayn whispered, rising from his seat and swiftly following the doctor out of the room. Both Liam and Louis’ eyes closed with worry for Zayn. As much as they had tried, nothing was getting through to the black haired boy and it was beginning to tear them apart.

He walked through the winding corridors to the exit of the A&E, these walls had become all too familiar for Zayn, and although he knew his way around this department like the back of his hand he had managed to find a part of the hospital he was yet to recognise.

He didn’t want to be here anymore

He couldn’t be here anymore

Everything was falling onto Zayn. Pressure he thought only he felt, he was no use without Niall. He couldn’t come to terms with what was happening to Niall, he didn’t want to come to terms. But, as if it had just occurred to him, the fans.

How are the fans dealing with this?

Zayn wanted to talk to them but he didn’t know how. He could tweet, but how would that help. Then, he remembered the crowd of people outside the hospital gates. Following the lines on the floor to the exit of the hospital Zayn watched as the dull lighting in the hospital turned into the bright sunlight of outside. Taking big steps into the light and letting the sun rays soak into his skin the dark haired boy took a deep breath trying to rid the memories of the innocent blonde boy in the hospital bed.

Quite sobbing caught Zayn’s attention, snapping his head to the side, where three girls sat on the curb. The eldest about seventeen, the next must have been only a couple of years younger and finally the youngest of the girls, must have only been about nine years of age. The youngest crying whilst the other two attempted to comfort her with words and hugs.

“Girls?” Zayn questioned, each of their heads snapped up to the familiar voice of their idol.

“Z-Zayn?” the youngest choked. Without hesitation, Zayn strides over to them and kneels down in front of them with a sympathetic smile on his face.

“Why are you crying?” He whispers whilst looking between all of the girls, each still with tears escaping their eyes.

“N-Niall” The youngest mutters. Without thinking the dark haired boy places his index finger and thumb under her chin and tilting her head up so her shimmering blue eyes met his own. The shimmering blue eyes that reminded him so vividly of his best friends’, smiling gently at the little girl in front of him, she reminded him of his younger sisters as well as being the reminder of Niall.

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