Insecurities [10]

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In a daze, going crazy, I can barely think. You're replaying in my brain, find it hard to sleep. Waiting for my phone to blow- Karmin. Brokenhearted


It is Aiden’s birthday party, a good friend of Liam’s. Liam had told all of the guys, including Remmi and Emily about it a few weeks back, and of course they had all agreed to go. But, none of them ever thought they would be going without Niall. Never the less, as reluctant as they were to go whilst Niall lay in the hospital, they were all true to their word.

“Come on Zayniiiiie” Remmi begged as she continued to curl the tips of her thick brown hair on the scorching iron.

“I don’t know” Zayn whispered as he lay with his stomach on the flowery duvet cover on the bed in the centre of the master bedroom, his arms folded with his head resting on them. The girls had invited Zayn to stay with them for a while, because they knew he couldn’t handle going home on his own, not yet.

“Maybe it will make you feel a little better” Remmi proposed her thoughts for the dark haired boy to ponder. “I mean, help you forget at least” she added, not wanting to upset Zayn further he had already been through too much in the last week.

“Maybe…” Zayn began to wonder, the thought of going out to a club when his best friend and the boy he had fallen so fast for, had no memory of who he was, made his stomach churn.

“Niall is fine Zayn, Maura is there with him” Emily peered her head through the agape door to look at the vulnerable boy, who still lay face down on the bed, she smiled gently when their eyes met.

“But wha-” 

“No Zayn” The brunette cut him off, his attention turning back to her “you are coming with us to Aiden’s party. End of discussion” Zayn loved Remmi, but he knew his limits. He was going whether he like it or not.

“Urggh” The dark haired boy mumbled into the pillow case “fine” Shuffling from the bed Zayn got into the shower and began to clean himself, and slowly but surely his muscles began to relax and for a few split seconds he forgot about every trouble he has at the minute and just enjoyed the heat of the water against his skin. But, as quickly as his problems had faded, they lurched back in.

Only twenty minutes later both Zayn and Remmi sat on the couch waiting for Emily to get her shoes on, then they could go, Liam was on his way round to pick up the three. After all, he had nominated himself as the designated driver for them.

Arriving at the club, the loud bass of the music thumped through the overcrowded club. Bodies mingles with one another, intoxicated people grinding and sloppily kissing with the alcohol fresh in their veins.

Liam and Emily disappeared to another room where Aiden was supposed to be, leaving Remmi and Zayn, without hesitation Remmi tugged on Zayn’s elbow pulling him towards the bar. Ordering four tequila shots Remmi pushed back her two and handed Zayn his, hesitantly Zayn pulled the miniature glass towards his parted lips and let the thick liquid ooze down his throat. His olive skin shrivelled around his eyebrows as he winced with the taste of the alcohol, Zayn pushed the other short down his throat.

The drinking continued as they moved to the dance floor, drink in hand both of the tipsy adults began to merge in with their crowd of friends. Merging into the crowd and drowning in the smell of alcohol and the feeling of so many people surrounding them, Zayn slowly began to let go of the love of his life being in the hospital bed. Only letting go for one night.

He couldn’t feel anything, and that made him feel almost free for the first time in so long. He didn’t want to feel the pain, the ache in his heart. Tranquil, Zayn felt tranquil with the random bodies surrounding him. He was just starting.

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