Insecurities [4]

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Dedicated to AdoreHazza because her book that only has 1PART has me hooked already :)


Is it over yet? Can I open my eyes? Is this as hard as it gets? is this what it feels like to really cry? Cry. -Kelly Clarkson. Cry


The faint purple strands of Emily’s once bleach blonde hair flowed slightly in the breeze as she stood outside. The cold, hard ground supported her body as she slouched against the wall, her knees pulled into her chest. The cigarette in her hand flickered with the ash that fell to the ground as she breathed out the fumes from the toxins in her mouth.

Keep calm.

Emily spoke to herself in her head. Liam, Zayn, Harry, Remmi and Louis sit in the waiting room for news.

Any news.

They need something. Something that will tell them what is happening to their best friend. Emily deals with stress the only way she knows how.


It’s a filthy habit she knows that. But, a few years ago her and Niall figured out it was the only way she could relieve any pressure or emotions she had without punching something or someone. She smiled at the memory of Niall in the gym with her, trying to make her angry so she would just punch the bag in front of her. But, Niall continued to fail miserably, only making Emily laugh which would lead to Niall laughing. So, they never got anywhere.

The boy with thick brown hair and deep chocolate eyes approached the window. The window that stood next to the door to get out to the courtyard Emily sat in. Liam presses his hand to the window and stares at the broken girl that sits on the floor in front of him. He can’t do anything, and he hates it.

Pushing the door open and letting it glide closed with a ‘click’ Liam is outside in the night breeze. Approaching the girl that is yet to see him. She is focused on anything but the truth.

The truth of what has happened to one of her best friends. Liam rests his hand onto his girlfriend’s shoulder. Subconsciously Emily’s hand raises from her knee and onto Liam’s hand.

He doesn’t know what to do.

He doesn’t know what he can do.

“Any news?” Emily whispers just loud enough for Liam to hear. Liam flinched at the sound of Emily’s voice and his grip tightened on her hand. Her voice didn’t sound hopeful. It sounded empty. No emotion.

“No, sorry baby” Liam whispered to the girl in front of him. His best friend lay in the hospital bed. Well, he thinks so.

Liam hasn’t seen Niall since the paramedics took him away from him. None of the boys have. For all they know Niall could be in a completely different hospital to them. But, they aren’t going anywhere.

“How could we not see this Li” Emily sighed as tears began to escape her green eyes. Liam slouched down next to Emily slinging his arms over her shoulders. He took the cigarette out of her hand and flicked it to the floor. Emily watched with blurred eyes as the orange light fell to the floor and how she was pulled into Liam’s lap whilst he placed his puffy pink lips to her temple.

“Because he didn’t want us to” Liam murmured into Emily’s hair “He didn’t want us to see so we didn’t. We couldn’t”. After waiting for Emily’s sobs to die a little Liam stood up and pulled Emily up with him. He gave her an unconvincing smile as he tugged her back through the door and into the warmth. Liam intertwined their fingers and led her back through the maze of the hospital corridors. Each corridor a plain white dull colour. No life in the walls.

Insecurities (A OneDirection/Ziall Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now