Insecurities [12]

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Guys, things have happened recently so this is dedicated to anyone that doesn't feel worth it. Because I love you and I know for a fact everyone else does.

Also, sorry for such a long waiting for my update, but I literally couldn't write my ideas up but thanks to @Remmiluv I got there eventually.

Hopefully I have made it up to you with this chapter, little bit of smutty smut smut!? Enjoy.

StylinsonMofo X

"Please" Niall begged the young nurse that stood in front of him, her lips pursed

"Niall" She spoke, her voice soft in the room "you know I can't do that"

"Please Maria this one time" The brown haired nurse huffed

"I can't let you leave Niall"

"Maria! Please it's been two weeks. I have to do this" Niall begged, it was late and Maria the health care advisor looking after Niall was being worn down by the Irish boy.

It had been two weeks since Niall had woken up, he hadn't relapsed. Maria had stat for long nights listening to Niall confess his feelings for his bandmate. He had fallen without a safety net to cushion his landing.

"Two days Niall that is all you will have to wait" Maria reasons but the blondes eyes were pleading with her.

"Maria" Niall whispers, one single shining tear trickles down his pale face and her heart breaks, shaking her head she looks him dead in the eye, holding his gaze.

"Get someone to pick you up, when you leave the hospital, you have three hours. Not a minute over. Are we clear Horan?"

"It doesn't matter Lou" Niall whispered, tears spilling over the edge of his eyes, making tracks down the unusually pale complexion of his cheeks. Colour missing from his cheeks, the daunting feeling standing outside of this unfamiliar door.

"Please don't do this" Louis begged, his arm latched onto the younger boys arm, his fingers fisting into the material of his shirt. The tension and despair in Louis face, the same expression that had been so evident standing in front of Zayn's hotel door.

"Niall remembered!" He had screeched, Louis had hoped this would end everything and everyone would go back to being best friends, being happy, together.

"What?" Zayn's voice cracked, his pounding headache not being helped by Louis' loud voice. The girl who Zayn now knows name is 'Zara' had left a few minutes earlier.

The dark haired boy opened the door further, so they could enter, Emily scrunching her nose up at the smell of the room and hugged him, happy to see her friend alive. Zayn led them through into the living room, ushering for them all to sit down.

"He had a memory of the two of you Zayn" Liam started, his eyes not as bright as Louis' had been, he knew how much this had affected Zayn, he knew he had been in pain for so long because of this.

"So?" Zayn snapped, his eyes half closed with exhaustion. He didn't want to face the boy he loved. He couldn't, couldn't put himself through that amount of agony.

Not again.

"So? We thought you would be happy" Harry breathed, his voice shaking. His fists curled together at his sides, the muscles of his biceps bulging through the thin material of his t-shirt. Emerald eyes hidden by the scrunched eyelids as he held them closed, not wanting to look at Zayn.

"I can't" His face was a mask of pain, his glassy eyes looking straight ahead avoiding all gazes from his friends. He knew, if he looked at any of them, he would go, go with them to the hospital and see Niall. He couldn't let himself be hurt.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2013 ⏰

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