Insecurities [7]

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Dedicated to Alyciaaa_1D for 'Helpless' & sequel 'Outlawed runaways'! God, I fell in love :) x


This is the way that we love, like it's forever. Then, live the rest of our lives but not together.- Mika. Happy endings


12 days.

12 days of this hell people dared to call life.

His best friend still lay in the hospital bed, no emotion, no words and no life. No life in his heart but love.

Undeniable love, he constantly showed for others.

Undeniable love, given to him but never fully taken.

As much as Zayn didn’t want to be there, the lads had convinced him to come. Damn it, none of them wanted to be there. 

Nothing is the same without Niall.

Nothing will EVER be same without Niall.

The four of them sat around the oval desk, sitting and waiting for the radio show to start. Emily and Remmi had ensured Zayn that they would ring him if anything changed. But, that didn’t stop his worrying, how could it? Harry rubbed gently on Zayn’s back as they sat patiently. The host walked in to the cramped studio, coffee in hand, he smiled at the four but his eyes narrowed as came to the realisation that a member was missing.

“Morning boys” The ginger haired bloke beamed. ‘Morning’ the lads spoke back, quieter than the usual One Direction. But they simply were not One Direction. Without questions the fire haired boy sat across from the boys and began to shuffle through the papers on his desk.

After a couple of minutes the red light flickered above the door. Indicating that they would be on air in just minutes. A bulky man, who the boys assumed was the producer of the show counted down from 5, letting everyone know they were going live.

“Good morning listeners!” The host cheered into the microphone, almost as if he wanted a response from the listeners. “Today I have with me the one and only One freaking Direction” Louis winced at how the host still named them as One direction, even without the Irish boy. Smiling widely the host looked at the boys and in unison they introduced themselves.




“Louis” All of the boys introduced themselves as they waited for the host to bombard them with questions about Niall.

“So how are you guys?” The host questioned

“We’re okay. Yourself?” Liam asked, taking note that the presenter hadn’t questioned Niall’s absence.

“I’m good thanks” The host smiled “Now” the ginger began, clasping his hands together “rock me. I love it”. Unbelievable, this host didn’t even want to know about Niall. All of them stared at the man in disbelief, none of them saying a word.

“W-what?” Harry stammered, clearly in distress because this host didn’t even care about the boys.

“Your new song! I love it with a capital L” He beamed. Zayn kept quite, he knew once he broke he will break.

“Do you not care about him?” Louis questioned, annoyance clear in his voice.

“Who?” Zayn clenched his eyes shut, a single tear escaping his chocolate eyes.

Insecurities (A OneDirection/Ziall Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat