Insecurities [6]

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Dedicated to alyloves1direction for creating the first book I read on Wattpad and the first book I fell in love with 'The boy that saved my life'


Oh please, say to me you'll let me be your man. And please say to me, you'll let me hold your hand. -The Beatles. I want to hold your hand.


“Remmi” Zayn whispered whilst nudging the brunettes shoulder.

“Mm” The gruff sound coming from the girl makes the raven black haired boy chuckle. He repeats nudging her shoulder.

“Remmi, wake up” Zayn whispers again, a little louder this time. The girl that remains slouched over the foot of Niall’s bed doesn’t respond.

“Remmi” Again, he ushers for the younger girl to wake up, the door to the hospital room creeks open revealing Emily, hands full, with three coffees along with three sandwich boxes and fruit packets. Zayn looks over to the faded purple locks and smiles warmly at the younger girl, his eyes move back to Remmi hunched over in the chair. His gaze stays fixed onto the brunette but speaks to Emily.

“She won’t wake up” Zayn whispers not wanting to disturb Niall, even though somewhere inside of him already knew he couldn’t disturb Niall from his slumber. Emily hesitates, but eventually moves over to the bedside table and places the food and drinks on it. Her eyes then divert back to her best friend she moves slowly and quietly over to her and without hesitation she kicks the legs from underneath her, causing the Remmi to fall to the floor with a ‘thud’. Both Zayn and Emily attempt to muffle their laughter at the groan that had erupted from the brunette currently laying sprawled out on the freshly sanitised floor.

“You dick” Remmi mutters as she stands up and brushes off her clothes. She then moves to glare at Emily whilst pulling up her chair back to the bed. The purple haired girl smirks at her best friend and mouths a ‘sorry’ whilst still chuckling to herself. Emily picks the sandwich up from the table and chucks one to the other girl with the smirk still plastered over her pink lips. Emily also hands Zayn the remaining one. And for the first time, Zayn ate.

If Niall wakes up.


When Niall wakes up, he isn’t going to need to worry about Zayn and how he isn’t eating. He needs to worry about himself and getting better and ensuring that he is fit and healthy. Zayn needs to focus on Niall and he knows that, Niall is going to need his best friends. ALL of them not just the other five. Emily smiles at Zayn’s actions, she isn’t the only one that is glad Zayn is eating again.

A phone buzzes whilst the friends are eating and talking quietly. Emily looks to the table and reaches for her IPhone that Remmi bought for her birthday, sliding the bar acorss and revealing the new message.

From Li

Hey baby, why did I wake up alone? :( xx

Emily smiled slightly at the message, Liam was clearly worried.

From Ems

Hey baby. Sorry, Remmi and me couldn’t stop thinking about Zayn so we came down to keep him company :)xx

She quickly replied and rested her phone on her lap, waiting for a reply.

From Li

Okay love, is everything okay? We won’t be long just waiting for Lou to get dressed :) xx

Insecurities (A OneDirection/Ziall Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now