Just How Life Is. Chapter 1

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Troy strolled into first period English well after the bell had rung. He had on a black hoodie with the hood up, along with that his black hair was covering about half of his face. He seemed to be in a bad mood today.

Troy Mathews. The schools bad boy. The schools loner. The schools player. The schools jerk. He was all of these things combined into one. No one really knew much about him. But there were plenty of rumors. He was rich. Had had a different girlfriend each week. It goes on and on onto more unbelievable things. I tried to ignore him as much as I could, though. He was clearly a trouble-maker.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude, I just don't feel like dealing with those types of people. He always comes in with some sort of bruises or cuts so he probably does street fights for money. Probably does drugs too. And he always just comes into class whenever he feels like it. I mean seriously, do you not want a good future?

Everyone was silent as Troy sat in his seat and stared down at the desk. The teacher clearly wasn't happy though. She stood in front of him with her arms crossed. "You're late."

"I'm aware," he said quietly, but in a sweet, deep voice. Oh, shut up Skye, you can't get involved with him, I thought to myself.

The teacher, Mrs. Wilson, made an annoyed noise at him. "At least take off your hood."

He didn't move for a moment, but removed his hood and shook his hair out more in front of his face. But that couldn't hide it. He had a large bruise on his face, about from his temple down to his jaw line. Everyone obviously stared.

"Alright dude! Another street fight, right? Did you win?" said Mark, a very annoying guy, who held out his knuckle to Troy. Troy bumped it with his without looking at him.

Mrs. Wilson didn't look pleased, though. "You were in a fight?"

Troy was silent for a moment, "...You could say that..."

I wonder what he meant by that. At least he's not acting all cocky like he sometimes does. That's definitely when he's at his most annoying.

Mrs. Wilson sighed, "Just don't be a lost cause," She muttered then went back to teaching.

But I, for some reason, couldn't take my eyes off of Troy. It's not like he would notice though, he was staring at his desk the whole time. It's a shame that he normally covers his eyes with his hair. He has such amazing blue eyes...Crap! Skye, stop it! You know you can't think about him like that. Besides, it's not like he ever notices you.

I have known Troy my whole life. But when he was seven; his mother left. Not died, left. And he's always been different after that. We use be friends, but after that event, no.

Troy shifted slightly in his desk. Mark was still trying to talk to him, but he was getting the cold shoulder. Looks like Troy would be a loner today.

I sometimes wonder about his erratic personality changes. I was thinking that maybe he had a split personality disorder, or maybe he was just bipolar. But those two choices didn't seem that likely. So I came to a nice conclusion: he's just weird.

Some girls were staring at him too. I knew why though, you couldn't deny it, he was hot. Tall, muscular, black hair, and wore skinny's, or close to skinny jeans and band shirts, along with other stuff too.

Suddenly, a note landed on my desk. It startled me slightly but luckily it wasn't that noticeable.

Hehe. You should stop gawking. ;)  - Faith

I rolled my eyes. Faith was my one of my best friends. Faith and I were pretty alike. Same sense of music, love of writing and drawing, cute things. But she did have her hair dyed a dark purple color. It worked with her personality. Especially with her hyper/ randomness. But I kept my long chocolate brown hair; I had a thing about not killing my hair.

The bell rang then. I crumpled up the paper and threw it at her. She made a surprised hissing noise and I laughed at her. Not too many people took notice to this though. Faith laughed and we walked out into the hallway looking for our other friends.

Then we spotted them. There was Chloe; she liked to change her hair a lot. Right now it was bleach blonde with other colors streaked in. Just like Faith, she was like a sister to me. There was Danny, he was tall with long blonde hair. He was always a jokester. And last but not least, Jake with long dark brown hair, he was my closets guy best friend and I knew he would always be there for me no matter what.

Jake and I weren't going out though. I wasn't sure if I really liked him that way and I certainly didn't want to ruin our friendship.

"Hey guys, five bucks says Troy got into another street fight and that's why his face is busted," said Faith as we came close.

"I'll take you on that bet," said Danny, "I say a bunch of guys jumped him."

We all laughed at him, "Well that is pretty likely," I said with a sarcastic, thoughtful face. We all laughed again.

A few periods passed and I was walking alone through the hallway; I had to go to my locker. But that's when I saw Troy. He was sitting on the ground with his head resting on his knees. Unfortunately, he was sitting right in front of my locker. I walked up to him.

"Um, excuse me, but I need to get to my locker," I said, motioning with my head to behind his back.

He looked up at me with his deep blue eyes, almost wondering as if why I was there, then that looked faded and he looked back down and slid over a few inches.

I quietly opened up my locker. I never was good at talking to people who I don't normally talk to, I get awkward. So, I didn't say anything.

Reaching up to grab a book from my top shelf, a bunch of random papers fell. I chuckled slightly and crouched down to pick them up. I picked up one, but Troy had already gathered the rest and was handing them out to me.

"Oh, thanks," I said quietly. Then I noticed that the paper on the top of the pile was a picture I drew. My eyes widened and I quickly snatched the pile from his hands. I was generally shy about my drawings.

Troy chuckled at me, "It's a good picture," he said quietly. I looked back at the picture. It was some random manga style dude. Yes, I like anime/manga, plus it's the only style besides cartoons I'm good at drawing. But I guess it was a fairly nice picture.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"Have you always had such a quiet voice?" he asked me, and was actually looking at me. Those deep blue eyes...

"Um, well, I'm just shy," I said shrugging, and looking away. Then my legs started to hurt from crouching so I stood up to put the paper away. Troy stood up, too, and was leaning against the lockers, looking at me.

I looked at him, "What?"

"Oh, am I staring?"

"Uh, yeah, kind of," I said, flatly. I hated it when people would just randomly stare, it made me awkward. He didn't say anything after that, so I grabbed the book I needed and closed my locker. He was still looking at me.

"Um, well I gotta' get to class," I said. Staring. "You should get to class, too." Then I turned and walked away.

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