Just How Life Is. Chapter 17

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Troy didn’t cry for that long, and I could tell he was embarrassed, but I told him it didn’t matter. This was probably the first time he’s cried in years.

But the next day at school, he wasn’t there, which made me worried. I hoped his dad didn’t hurt him again. Gah! I think I’m about to have a major spazz. What do I do?

“Hey, Skye,” Jake suddenly said, coming up beside me as we were walking through the hallway at school.

“Oh, hey,” I replied, lost in thought.

“So Faith said you ditched last period to go hang out with Troy yesterday. What did you guys do?” he said, eyeing me suspiciously.

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, “Don’t worry dude. It’s nothing my grandmother would be ashamed to hear of.”

“So does that mean you guys are like, together?” he moved so he was in front of me now, but walking backwards.

Actually, I didn’t really know. I didn’t really press Troy about it. But I sure did like him. “Jake, is that really any of your business?” I said with a fake chuckle.

“Kind of. I’m like, your best guy friend. But listen Skye,” he said stopping, so I had to stop, “He’s not a good guy. His rep… I don’t think you should be involved with him.” Great, even he’s saying that.

“You don’t know him like I do Jake. He’s a good guy. His “rep” is just rumors,” I said, defending Troy.

“Then where’d he get all those wounds, hmm?”

Crap. I didn’t know really how to answer that, so I gave Jake a look and hurried away from him. Luckily he didn’t follow me. I sighed. Then I saw Danny talking to some druggies, but it seemed like they were in an argument. I sneaked over to them so I could eavesdrop.

“-Bothering me ok!” Danny was saying. Darn, I missed the beginning of that sentence. “I don’t want to be asked this crap anymore. I’m done!” Danny looked like a whole different person. His eyes weren’t their usual brightness, and his mouth was pressed in a thin line.

There were three druggies around him, all a little taller; Danny wasn’t the tallest he could be. He was 5’5 while the others looked over 5’7. One of the druggies was the dude who came to our lunch table the other day. He was wearing a beanie over his longish brown hair. He was standing next to a dude with really pale skin and long black hair; his eyes looked dead and uncaring. And the third had dirty blonde hair pushed back in a pony tail. They were all prodding Danny with their eyes.

“You can’t just ditch it like that,” the one with the beanie said.

“Well guess what Luke, I am!” Danny said, clearly angry. So his name was Luke.

“But dude-“ the blonde started, but Danny cut him off.

 “No “but dude”! I am done, go somewhere else.”

Danny was about to walk away but the one with black hair grabbed his shoulder and stared down at him with cold eyes, “I don’t think you understand the severity of this.” Whoa, big words for a druggie…

Danny jerked his shoulder away and glared at the dude, “Don’t start with me Jackal.” Jackal? “Quit bothering me and my friends. All of you,” Danny said as a last warning and walked away from all of them.

I quickly walked away before the druggies could notice me. I wonder what that was about.


I got off at my bus stop and was really surprised when I saw Troy. The cut on his face looked like it was bleeding, and there was a new bruise. Not again…

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