Just How Life Is. Chapter 16

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“I want to talk to you later,” Troy whispered in my ear as he passed, which made me shiver. Luckily, he was already past me; that would have been awkward.

But of course, Faith noticed. She came up beside me and nudged my arm, “So you guys were staring at each other,” she said in a suggestive voice.

I rolled my eyes, “Puh-lease.”

She smirked, “Whatever you sa-ay,” she sang.

I walked down the hallway to my next class. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about. He came back from the meeting with Mrs. Heyy looking pretty down. I haven’t really talked to him seriously since Saturday; after the whole ordeal with his father.

“Sigh,” I muttered, but some random kid looked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and walked away.


Gosh, Troy wasn’t at lunch. When is he going to talk to me? I sighed, walking down the hallway to 9th period, when suddenly I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around and saw Troy attached to that arm. He was smiling weakly.

“Hi,” I smiled. He let go, and then scratched the back of his head awkwardly, looking down.

Then he looked at me, his bright blue eyes showing, “Ditch last period with me so we can talk.”

I had study hall 9th period, and the teacher never takes attendance. “Sure.”

He smiled a little, “Thanks.”

I smiled back, “No problem.” Like I said, I’ll always be there for you.

We went out the back entrance, and across the football field. Off of school grounds in a nice grassy area with trees and some random boulders and a bench. We sat down on the bench, but Troy leaned forward and put his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. I rubbed his back for a while waiting for him to say something.

As I ran my hand over his back I noticed he still had a bandage around his back. I wondered how his scars were doing. What his dad did to him with that piece of glass must’ve been pretty traumatic.

Eventually he sighed and sat back, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

He looked at me, his eyes curious and scared.

“So what did you want to talk about?” I asked.

“Mrs. Heyy asked me if I had troubles at home. I didn’t know what to do,” he said quickly, staring at the ground.

“Well maybe you should have told her,” I said quietly.

“But he will kill me!” he said, his voice tight.

I grabbed his hand so he would look at me. “Troy, he won’t if he doesn’t know.”

“But he will know. He always finds out,” Troy muttered, ripping his hand from my grasp and getting up and walking a few feet in front of the bench.

I stayed seated and watched him stand there; he needed to deal with his issues in his own way, with me just helping.  Troy sighed and looked up at the sky. He looked so hopeless and alone; so I walked up to him. He looked down at me, a deep frown set on his face.

“Please tell me what’s on your mind,” I whispered.

He sighed, “Everything. I had a moment where I did want to tell Mrs. Heyy, but I barely know this lady, she probably doesn’t care at all. Who knows, maybe she would confront my father, and that would be bad.”

I noticed he was starting to ramble. “Troy, why do you have such doubts?”

“Because I can’t trust anyone!” he exploded. I wouldn’t blame him; he was going through way too much stress. “You can never trust anyone,” he said in a quieter voice, collapsing on the ground, his arms resting on his knees, “You will always get burned.”

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