Just How Life Is. Chapter 18

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I yawned as my alarm clock went off at six a.m. Gosh, I hate that thing. I spent the next fifth teen minutes getting ready then I walked into the living room; after I fully woke up and remembered Troy was staying here.

He looked so peaceful. Troy was curled up under a blanket, one arm threatening to fall off the couch, his hair falling away from his closed eyes. I giggled quietly and walked up to him then kneeled by his head. I started pulling on his hair lightly, but he didn’t do anything. So I started poking his hand a little; he just moved it. I sighed and moved so my mouth was right next to his ear.

“Troy. Wake up, the sun has come to say hello.”

His eyes popped open and he gasped; I laughed and fell back and started twiddling with a stray string from my gray jeans, looking at him with innocent eyes.

Troy looked really confused for a moment then seemed to remember everything, and then he glared at me in a playful way. “Did you seriously say “the sun has come to say hello”?”

I giggled, “Maybe. I would pull open the curtains to prove my point, but the sun burns in the morning.”

“Not much of a morning person,” he observed.

I shook my head, “No, not really.”

Troy rubbed his eyes, “What time is it anyway?” he mumbled.

“Around 6:20.”

He groaned.

Then my mom came in, all ready for work, smiling at us, “Troy, you can go ahead and get washed up in the bathroom. You can borrow some of Jared’s clothes; you look about his size. Then you both can have a quick breakfast and get off to school.”

Troy stared with no emotion for a moment then smiled a little before saying thank you and heading off to the bathroom.

Mom watched him go with sad eyes then looked back at me, “What’s going on with that boy?”

I bit my lip, “I can’t tell you.” Then I busied myself with folding the blankets.


Troy and I were waiting for the bus. He was wearing his jacket over one of Jared’s tee shirts that he kept from his teens. Troy couldn’t fit into his pants though, they were all too big. He told my mom it didn’t matter after she offered to wash his clothes; “I won’t be here for that long” he reminded her, which made me sad in a way.

Then the bus pulled up and I realized how terribly awkward this would be. I mean, Troy and I at the same stop, when people knew he hadn’t moved or anything. And to prove my point, when we boarded everyone stared questioningly. We sat down and everyone started whispering to each other. I sighed, hoping no one would come up with anything too inappropriate.

Troy didn’t seem to take any notice or care at all for that matter and just focused on talking to me. He smiled while we were talking and I realized, I had never heard him laugh, a real laugh. It’s my new goal to make him show me a real laugh, I thought with a laugh of my own.

We got into school and were greeted by Faith a Chloe. Chloe looked distracted though.

“Hey, your back Troy,” Faith said, looking between Troy and I.

Troy nodded.

I looked at Chloe with a raised eyebrow, “Who you looking for?”

She jumped a little, eyes wide, “W-What?”

Faith raised an eyebrow too, “I bet I know.”

Chloe rolled her eyes then they widened and she randomly walked away from us. All three of us followed her with our eyes. She walked over to Danny, Yep, she definitely likes him. They started talking but were too far away for us to hear. Then it seemed like Chloe was getting upset and Danny was putting up walls. I heard Troy snort from behind me. And then Danny walked away from Chloe; she looked upset and pissed.

All through the day Danny was very distant and Chloe was upset. It wasn’t really wise to mess with either of them. Then at lunch it seemed like another war started.

Troy was sitting with us today, quietly eating, and sitting next to me, with Jake on my other side. Jake spoke, setting off a grenade.

“So Troy, are you and Skye together?”

I sputtered on my water and Troy’s eyes bugged a little, then we both turned to glare at Jake. Everyone else was looking at us, seeming amused.

“Jake, I already told you that it’s not really any of your business,” I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

“Skye, I have a right to know, I’m your friend, and I’ve always been there for you. Why keep this secret?”

“What secret?!” I exclaimed. I knew Jake was probably bringing this up either because he didn’t like Troy and he wanted to protect me; maybe both.

Jake turned his eyes to look at Troy, “So, are you two? Don’t deny that you two like each other.”

I felt my cheeks redden a little. Why Jake, why?!

“Er… we haven’t really talked about that,” Troy muttered slowly.

Jake looked between us with disbelief. Troy took that moment of silence to get up and leave, he probably can’t take the pressure.

“Jake, please don’t bring up that subject again until its ok,” I said, sternly.


Troy and I came home after what seemed like a long day. We didn’t bring up the subject of lunch though. Like I always say, just let things happen.

But Jared was home, sitting on the couch with his laptop and T.V. on. He looked at us the glared at Troy, “He’s wearing my shirt.”

Crap, mom didn’t seriously just take it without Jared knowing, did she?

Jared stood up and Troy backed up a bit, but I stepped closer to Jared.

“He needed it ok. And it’s not like you ever wear that shirt anymore,” I said defiantly.

“That’s not the point. That little stray took it without asking,” Jared said, glaring past me to Troy.

“He’s not a stray! And mom took it dumbass.” Jared’s hateful gaze turned to me.

“Well she’s not my mother so that makes her a thief too.”

You poor crazy fool.

Jared then pushed past me and walked over to Troy, who looked like his instincts from his father were starting to kick in. Jared seemed to tower over him as he shrank back. Then Jared picked Troy up off the ground by grabbing a fist full of his shirt and then getting right in his face.

“Hmpf, you’re not much of a reaction type person,” Jared said quietly, which made it even scarier. But he was right; Troy held no emotion on his face, seeming to shut down. I need to do something! But I’m afraid of Jared too… shit.

Jared shook Troy roughly, his head whipping back and forth. Wait, I’ll need more evidence. I’m sorry Troy! I took out my phone and pressed “record”.

Jared started yelling at Troy, trying to get a reaction out of him, but Troy did nothing, I was sure he completely locked himself away. Eventually, I think Jared got bored, so he dropped Troy and walked away. I pressed “stop record” and ran over to Troy.

He looked around and realized Jared wasn’t there, so he sat up and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

That’s the last straw. I have all the evidence I need; I’m calling the police so I can turn Jared in for what he did.

I started dialing and Troy looked at me questioningly.

“Hello. Yes, I have information about the murder of that business man a few weeks ago.”

Just How Life Is.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant