Just How Life Is. Chapter 4

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**Troy’s P.O.V.**

I can’t believe she saw me last night. I really wasn’t expecting her when she walked up through the rain.

I took her advice and cleaned up my wound, but now I have a big ass bandage on my face. Just another thing for these people to stare at. I really don’t understand why everyone here likes me so much, they’re all such douches. I guess I have that “bad ass” attitude going on sometimes, but still.

Why Skye seemed so concern, based off of the way she was looking at my wounds, did make me wonder. I almost did tell her the truth when I saw her, but got rid of the idea as soon as it came. It was a stupid idea.

Then I saw her friend Jake tackle her to the ground. I quickly turned on my heel and walked in the other direction not really wanting to know what was going on. I found it best not to get too involved in other peoples’ lives, even though sometimes it was tempting.

“Hey, dude. What happened to your face?” A druggy named Luke said to me, his finger inches away from poking my giant bandage. I quickly slapped it away.

Luke and I were sort of acquaintances. But he would constantly offer me drugs. I did them once before. Yes it made me forget all this crap, but I really didn’t like the feeling afterward. But right now I was guessing he was high.

“Use whatever brain cells you have left and figure it out,” I said with a slight laugh and walked away from him.

Then I saw a person I really didn’t want to see walking down the hall, in my direction. Mrs. Heyy. She was the schools’ guidance counselor, and was constantly on my case. So I tried my best to ignore her. But here she was, walking right up to me while I was at my locker. A deer in the head lights.

“Troy, what happened to your face?” she asked in an almost aunt voice. What a laugh.

“Sorry Mrs. Heyy, I can’t talk now, need to get to homeroom,” I said in a fake distracted voice as I took random notebooks from my locker.

“That hasn’t stopped you before. It seems you’ve been late and even skipped classes,” she said, trying to catch my eye.

Shit; looks like the deer just got hit.

“Troy, please talk to me,” I looked at her for the first time. Her eyes had a worried look. Don’t trust it Troy.

“Sorry, I really have to go study for a test,” I said quickly and headed off to the library.

**Skye’s P.O.V.**

After Jake walked away, quite rudely I might add, I walked down the hallway to go look for Faith, and possibly Danny. I needed to get a team together to get my iPod back.

But I saw Mrs. Heyy, the schools’ guidance counselor, talking to Troy, and he looked like he wanted to go hide in a corner. I kept walking, possibly hopping to eavesdrop a little. Geez, I am too curious for my own good. But then Troy suddenly walked away and went right past me, head down. Mrs. Heyy looked upset.

Then she spotted me and walked up. “Skye, dear, do you know anything about Troy?” Well that was blunt.

“No, sorry ma’am,” but then my mind wandered to last night, but I still didn’t actually know anything.

She sighed, “Well please tell me if you find anything out. I worry about that boy.” Then she left.

Well that was random, I wonder why she worries so much. Well, ok, I guess the fact he seems to always get in fights.

I shrugged it off and went to go find some people.

Just How Life Is.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant