Just How Life Is. Chapter 11

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The man slowly looked from me to Troy. I looked at Troy and he seemed he was frozen in fear. Then his eyes shot to me; he quickly grabbed me and pulled me behind him protectively. He kept his arms back and holding mine while I gripped the sides of his shirt. I was guessing that this crazy looking man at the door was Troy’s father.

They even looked slightly similar. Black hair and tall. But the father was bigger than Troy, a big and burly type.

“Why who’s this?” his father asked, eyeing my head that was peeking out from behind Troy.

“I-I thought you said you were going out?” Troy asked, beginning to back us up a little bit.

“And I thought you’d still be passed out on the ground so I came to make sure you wouldn’t stain my floors,” his father replied in a stone cold voice, with a hint of crazy humor. Troy’s grip on my arms tightened a little and I patted one of his hands. Seriously, how could someone be so harsh, and to their own child?

“Again, I ask, who is this girl?” the man asked, with a creepy smile as he looked at me. Then he looked back at Troy, “You know I don’t like people in my house.” He slowly walked over to an old bookcase by the door and grabbed something. When he looked back at us there was a bat in his hand. My eyes widened in fear.

Then, something I wasn’t expecting happened next. Troy turned around and basically dragged me while running through the house. He threw me into a random room and closed the door. “Stay there!” he shouted, and I heard his footsteps going into the distance.

I pulled on the door; it was locked. What kind of bedroom door only locks from the outside?! I heard voices down the hall but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. So I took in my surroundings.

There was a bed, and a bookcase with tons of old books. Maybe this was Troy’s room? Window! I rushed over to the window, maybe I could jump out it and rush to the front of the house. How could Troy just leave me here? Did he not want help?

When I reached the window I was faced with disappointment. There were bars on the window. Freakin bars; to obviously keep anyone from opening the window. Did his dad put these here?

I sighed, groaned, and pulled at my hair. Then I heard a few thumps from down the hall. His dad is going to beat him, again, with that fricken bat! I went over to the door again and tried pulled on it, but no luck. So I put my ear against the door.

That’s when I heard Troy’s screams. He tried to muffle them a few times, but I could still hear it. I fell back on the ground, small tears starting to fall from my eyes.

But within a few minutes, it was silent. I furiously wiped at my eyes, trying to get rid of the tears. Then I heard loud footsteps coming near the door. Then someone from the other side started fiddling with the doorknob. I heard a click, then the door opened, and there stood the monster.

He still had that crazy glint in his eyes as he looked at me sitting on the ground. “Aw, were you crying, sweetie?” he asked, in such a sincere voice, but the look on his face said otherwise.

 I stood up, sniffing, then as quickly as I could, ran right past him out the door and down the hall. Then I did a mixture between a gasp and a sigh. Troy was lying on the floor, but at least he wasn’t bleeding as badly as I thought he would be.

Although, I couldn’t see his face and wasn’t sure if he was conscious or not. Then I felt breath on the back of my neck. My eyes went wide with surprise, but I just stood there.

“You know, it’s pretty rude to run away from someone, and in their own house for that matter,” the monster said behind me, his breath hitting my neck with each word. I gulped. He grabbed my shoulder with his meaty hand, and turned me around.

Just How Life Is.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz