Just How Life Is. Chapter 6

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Operation get-Troy-to-trust-us-and-be-our-friend was starting today. I thought it was a little odd, we haven’t talked to him since… well, alright, I haven’t talked to him since we were seven. I don’t think he ever really knew my friends.

But for some reason I felt it was almost wrong to make plans to be friends with someone this way. Almost as if it was out of pity.

Troy was late again today and strolled into first period English. Faith was sitting next to me and bumped my elbow, I gave her a look.

Mrs. Wilson sighed as he came in late, again. He still had a bandage on his face, but today his eyes just looked bored. Still as blue as ever. Then I mentally slapped myself.

Mrs. Wilson gave him a detention slip and told him to sit down, and then she continued class.

“Alright class, I have a project to assign,” the class groaned and she gave everyone a look. “I want you all to get in groups of three or four and pick a book to read. You will be a literacy group and write summaries about the chapters you read and then will all work on a big project once you finish the book. But we’ll discuss that when the time comes. Alright, find your groups.”

Everyone started walking around to their friends. Faith immediately grabbed my elbow and pulled me over to Troy. I already knew what her plan was. He looked up at us slowly.

“Hi Troy!” Faith said, eagerly, “Would you like to be in our group?”

His eyes looked side to side, then back at us, “Sure,” he said almost cautiously.  

“Yay,” Faith said, then pulled me to sit down in a desk; we formed a big table with three desks combined.

“So what book should we read?” I asked, speaking for the first time.

Faith put a finger to her chin, “I don’t know… Troy, what books do you like to read?”

For some reason he looked a mixture between bored and cautious, if that was even possible. “Um, I haven’t read anything recently. Shakespeare is always good but I read most of his work too much.”

Interesting. He didn’t really strike me as a reading type.

“Okay,” Faith said, looking thoughtful. Then she looked at me, “Do you think we could ask Mrs. Wilson if we could read a bunch of Edgar Allen Poe’s work and compile that together?”

I shrugged, “Its fine with me. What about you, Troy?”

He shrugged, while his blue eyes were on mine, I took that as a yes.

Faith called Mrs. Wilson over and asked her. She looked over our group, her eyes stopping on Troy. “I know you and Skye can handle it, but what about you Mr. Matthews?”

He let out a short laugh and looked at her, “I can handle it ma’am.”

“Alright. Compile a list of his work together and I will approve it then you can get to work.” We nodded then she walked away.

Then Faith pulled a thick book out of her bag. I looked at the cover then started laughing. “You can’t be serious?”

She smiled sheepishly and Troy smirked a little. The book was titled “Edgar Allen Poe. His complete work”. (This is actually a book, but I forget its name).

“Technically, it’s a book. Let’s start choosing!” Faith exclaimed happily, turning to the table of contents.


“So Skye, how was school today?” my mom asked me while we were all eating dinner. Her, me, Dan, and Jared. Always fun, note my sarcasm.

“Good, good,” I said, shoving some rice into my mouth.

Dan and she exchanged a look, for about the fifth time. Alright, what’s up?

I put down my fork and looked at them, “Alright, what’s going on?”

They both cleared their throats and put down their silverware. By now Jared was looking at them too.

“Well, uh, dear,” my mom began, “My aunt needs me to come visit her.”

Okay… I didn’t know I had a great aunt.

“And…?” I said, waiting for more.

“And, I have a business trip I have to go on,” said Dan.

I waited for more.

“Point is, we both have to leave at the same time and will be gone for the same time,” said my mom.

“So Jared will be here to take care of you while we’re gone,” Dan finished. Then they both looked ready to get yelled at. They both knew how horribly Jared and I got alone. I could see him smirking.

I tried to keep my voice calm; they were the only people keeping us from basically murdering each other, “How long will you two be gone?”

“Five days,” they said at the same time. I gulped.

“When do you leave?”

They both exchanged looks, “Tomorrow night,” said Dan.

“Way to give me notice!” I said harshly.

“I’m sorry honey, we just found out today,” my mom said, she looked worried.

It was Tuesday, they wouldn’t leave ‘til tomorrow night, which means they wouldn’t get back until Monday. Greaaaaaaaaaat.

“Can I stay at a friend’s house?” I asked.

“Not on a school night, dear,” said my mom. I sighed, then I glared at Jared.

He glared right back. Then Dan talked to him in such an I-am-your-father-and-you-will-obey-me voice that I almost laughed. “Jared, you will be nice to your step-sister. And do not boss her around without good reason. She is sixteen and knows how to handle herself.”

“But within reason,” my mother continued, looking at me. “Always home before curfew and do all your homework.” I nodded. Jared grumbled something, but no one could understand it so we let it go.

After dinner I wandered into my room a plopped on my bed face first.

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

So make the best of this test, and don't ask why

It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

My phones ringtone went off playing one of my favorite Greenday songs. Oh, I guess I forgot to put it on vibrate.

I reached around for it on my night stand without even looking. Then put it to my ear once it was found. “What?”

“Hey, it’s Faith. Wanna hear the list of things we’re going to read for English?” I could hear music playing in the background.

“Not really,” I said deadpan, at this point I just wanted to sleep.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

So I told her about the next five days to come.

I could tell she was trying to hide a soft snicker, “You guys are going to kill each other. Do you wanna stay over my place?”

“Can’t until Friday.”

“Oh, well we’ll just all hang out there until it gets late,” she said happily.

“If Jared doesn’t have a spazz at us.”

“Good point, but brighten up, girl!”

I chuckled slightly, “I’m trying, just tired.”

“It’s seven.”

“So? You know I can’t handle waking up early.”

She laughed, “Ok, whatever. I’ll leave you be. See ya’!”

“Later.” Then I rolled over and put my phone down.  My eyes suddenly spotted that piece of paper. That piece of paper I found in his room. Almost sickened by it I turned on my other side, hoping to sleep. But all night it was like a small fire burning in my room.

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