Just How Life Is. Chapter 19

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The police came the next day, and searched Jared’s room. Jared had no idea they were coming though, but he managed to put on a good façade.

Mom and Dan were completely shocked though; Dan couldn’t even look at his son. I showed the cops the piece of paper, a very important piece of paper. It held all this information about another company, about stocks, and this very important man to that company. Adding the very violent video of what Jared did to Troy and the cops had all they needed to take Jared away.

The answer was simple to everyone’s questions; Jared was a murderer. He was in that kind of business, to do whatever it took to get to the top.

He went quietly, but snuck a quick sneer at all of us, resting mainly on me; I shivered.

After the police left, mom and Dan left to go to different room, they were probably taking all of this very hard, especially Dan. Troy and I sat on the couch; he was very quiet through the whole ordeal, trying to stay out of eyesight of the cops. He was probably afraid of what would happen if their eyes lingered for too long.

“I think I should probably go…” Troy blurted.

“What?!” I nearly jumped on him. I know he said he wouldn’t stay here for that long, but it’s only been what, three days? And the thought of him going back to that monster…

His eyes widened at my outburst. “Well, your family is going through some crap, and I don’t want to be an added burden…”

“But we always knew how crazy Jared was. Well ok, maybe not this crazy but still. And isn’t it too soon to go back?”

“Not really… My max is normally three days,” he answered, rubbing the back of his neck.

I bit my lip. He looked up at me and saw the emotion clear on my face and cupped my face with his hand, his eyes turning sad too. “Don’t worry.”

“At least stay one more night.”

He seemed to think this over for a moment. “…Fine.”

I smiled, “And I’m walking back with you.”

“No,” he said quickly.

“Up to your block?” I bargained.

He thought for a moment, “Fine.”


This was it.

I was walking with Troy back to his house. Hand in hand. He hadn’t said much after we got off the bus; I could see he was thinking.

I couldn’t tell if he was afraid though; I knew I was afraid. Each step we walked the more closer we got. And neither of us really knew how Troy’s father would react. Troy might want to think he knows, but he really doesn’t. I tried to slow my steps without making it obvious but Troy just kept pulling me along.

Then we got to the end of a street, and a few houses down I could see his. I saw him take in a quick breath then he took his hand out of mine and faced me.

I stared up at him but his hair was covering his eyes, I frowned and pushed his hair away; he caught my hand. We stood motionless for a few heartbeats then he reached down and gave me a quick kiss, too quick. And he was walking away. I watched him all the way until he disappeared into his front door.

**Troy’s P.O.V**

I did want to stay with her, but I couldn’t, I knew it’d be too dangerous. I had to go back.

I paused at my front door for a moment, noticing that the lights were off, never a good sign.

Then I sighed and pushed my way through the open door. It took my eyes a moment to adjust, but when they did I saw my father get up off the couch, hiding something behind his back.

“Where have you been?” he questioned, eyes glinting.

“You kicked me out,” I answered monotone.

He came closer, “But you were gone for far too long. You weren’t trying to run away from me now were you? You know that’s not a wise idea.” As he said this he backed me up against the wall, one hand still behind his back.

And I started to realize that I should have let Skye come closer. That maybe by some chance she would sneak up to the window and offer a distraction. No that’s too dangerous. My mind started to argue with itself it seemed; and my father didn’t like my lack of attention.

He thwacked my head, “Boy! Listen to me when I am speaking to you. Were you trying to run away?”

“Never,” I gulped.

He removed his hand from its hiding place behind his back to reveal it was holding a knife. Fuck. “Do you think I believe you?” he questioned. Then, as quick as a snake, he stabbed the knife in the wall, inches away from my head.

I didn’t know what to say, I never did. My eyes were starting to plead with him, hoping he wouldn’t kill me. But he looked at me with disgust and backhanded me.

“Your mother wore those eyes just before she left.”

I was speechless. Did that mean he beat her too? It must’ve.

He then grabbed a fist full of my hair and lifted me so I was standing. Then pulled my face close to his; his breath stank.

“You’re pathetic excuse for a life. You know that’s what you are, don’t you? Maybe I should just get rid of you once and for all.”

My eyes widened a little; he’s never actually seriously suggested killing me.

**Skye’s P.O.V.**

I started walking back home, but my mind was traveling 50 mph. I couldn’t just leave him there, what if he did get killed? Maybe I should call the police? But what if they’re too late?

“Ah, crap, crap, crap!” I muttered, starting to pace back and forth across the street.

My thoughts started to not make any sense at all. Eventually I just sat on the ground in the middle of the street, completely unsure about what to do. I want to save him, but I can’t do a thing against his father. I found that out last time.


I jumped from my position on the ground and saw a lady walking down from her house to me. She looked middle aged and had blonde hair, but kind, curious eyes.

“Is there something I can help you with?” she asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

I flushed a little, realizing she probably watched my little freak out. My eyes drifted down the street to Troy’s house then back to her, “No.”

She followed my gaze and her face softened to that of pity, “Do you know the boy who lives there?”


She turned back to me and her eyes looked more understanding, “I’ll keep an eye out,” then she turned quickly and went back into her house.

I stared back down the street and sighed, he’s been through this is whole life, maybe it won’t be that bad.

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