Just How Life Is. Chapter 10

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**Troy’s P.O.V.**

It was now Friday afternoon. Skye was nice to me all day; I would’ve thought for sure she would’ve stopped talking to me. But no; as soon as she saw me she gave me a small hug and started talking to me all bright eyed.

Even her other friends were nice to me, especially the purple-haired Faith. In English they even encouraged me to talk more about the stories we were reading.

But now I was walking in through my front door, the lights were off again, that was never a good sign.

“Hey, boy,” my father said lazily from the couch he was laying on.

I stopped by the entrance way to the kitchen and looked at him, “Yeah?”

“I’m hungry, make food.”

“What do you want me to make?”

Suddenly he threw one of the empty bottles that littered the floor and it hit the wall right next to my head. Glass exploded everywhere; I shielded my face with my arms, and then looked back at him.

“I don’t care, dumbass,” he spat lazily.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen to look for whatever was there. I opened the fridge; there was a slab of meat and a box of Chinese rice. Shrugging I took those things out; I guess he’ll have steak and rice.

After I finished making the food I brought it out to him and put the plate on the coffee table in front of the couch. He slowly sat up and I backed away, then I realized what silver ware I gave him. Shiiiiiiiit. I gave him a fork and a knife. A knife, I should never give him a knife when I’m around. I backed up some more, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

He stared at the plate for a moment then said, “What are you eating?”

“I’ll wait until you’re done.”

He nodded then his eyes found the knife, he picked it up and examined it for a moment. “Hmm, a knife.” Then he looked at me, a crazy glint in his eyes, “You know, I’ve always wanted to carve one of these into a person’s skin.”

My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed the knife before he could do anything and started walking back to the kitchen.


I fell forward, releasing the knife, clutching the back of my head; he threw a bottle at my head...

Then I sensed his presence standing over me, I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there hoping he would get bored. Then he put one hand on my head, supporting his weight on it while his other hand reached down and grabbed a piece of broken glass. Then he forced me to lie on my stomach.

No, he’s not actually going to carve my skin, is he?

“You know, you should never take things from me. Especially when they’re in my grasp, you silly child.” Then he lifted up the back of my shirt, and began carving.

I bit my lip, trying not to scream, this was a new form of torture. But he continued and I slowly let out whimpers which just made him carve deeper. Through the whole ordeal I kept wondering what in the world he was carving and hoped it wasn’t anything too bad.

When he reached the area over my spine, I did let out a scream and he just laughed. I thought I was going to pass out as he kept it agonizingly slow. I could feel bits of the glass breaking off. After what felt like hours he stopped then grabbed a clump of my hair and lifted my head to look at him. He smirked with an evil grin.

“Remember this pain. Remember it when you curse me, remember it when it’s time for you to come home, remember it always,” then he stood up and walked back over to the couch.

Just How Life Is.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora