6. stick to the status quo frank

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here's a short one for ya ;) dont forget to vote and comment!

It was Monday morning before school and like hell was I breaking up with Gee.

I looked over myself in the mirror, tousling my fringe and styling my hair in the way that I felt was appropriate for today. I applied foundation, that I stole from Lynn, to cover the hideous bags under my eyes.

My phone buzzed in the waistband of my boxer-briefs, I assumed it was a text from Hayley. It was Gerard.

G: meet me @ the park                            

F: its Monday we have school

G: u don't say, come on loosen up

I bit my lip.

F: fine I'll be there

G: great i'll meet you at the park you're the best 

I sighed and sat my phone down on the bathroom counter. Look at me giving into peer pressure, next thing you know I'll prostituting myself for cocaine.

I knew that Lynn would kill me with her bare hands when she figured out later that I skipped. I was willing to risk that fact. Also, when she figured out that I skipped school to be with someone I'm supposed to be breaking up with, she'll most likely kill the both of us and beat me in the afterlife.

When I really thought about it, Gee and I have each other wrapped around our fingers. I'm way too obsessed with someone I met in my room practically two months ago. I remember telling Gee that smoking cigarettes will kill him, but now I'm pretty sure that we'll be the death of each other. And in that split second I learned that the struggle – is real.

Feeling very daring today, I dressed in one of my more risky school uniforms: a plaid skirt and black knee socks. I clomped downstairs, and grabbed my book bag for show, it wasn't like I was going to need it.


I cringed and walked towards the kitchen. I was really hoping that I could slip out of the house today, especially because of the skirt I was wearing.

"Yes Lynn?" 

"You're not going to eat breakfast?"

I felt guilty. We always ate breakfast together, always. Let alone I'm skipping school. It's like I'm eternally living a lie.

"Um, no I'm kind of in a rush." The words stuck in my throat.

"Then just take it to go," Helena handed me a paper plate with an omelette. I grabbed a fork from the drawer and thanked her.

"Have a good day at school and remember what I want you to do." Lynn glanced at my skirt, but didn't say anything.

"I will." I slipped out the front door and into my car.

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