11. the boys are back

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"If you guys don't wake up, I'm gonna eat breakfast without you."

Mikey was relentless. He would make a great car salesman in the future. Of course that was the third time in ten minutes he had tried to wake me up. I groaned as he began to sit on my stomach.

"Okay, okay I'm up Mikey just please get off," I wheezed.

He giggled and hopped off I sat up groggily and watched his small bare feet pad out of the room.

Gee still lay stiff with sleep beside me. I turned over to face him; it wasn't the most romantic 'waking up beside your significant other' situation to ever happen.

I poked him until he woke up. "Gee. Gee. Gee."

He woke up in a jolt that nearly pushed me off the bed. His hazel eyes bore into mine and he pulled me closer, if that was even possible.

"Hello," he whispered.

"Hello," I whispered back.

"Not to be fake deep or anything, but I thought that you being here was all a dream." Gerard closed his eyes and let out a stream of air through his nose.

I pecked him on the lips. "Not to disappoint, Gee, but it's not."

He smiled softly and sat up in bed. "I know."

Gerard had to lend me some of his and his mother's clothes because I, obviously, had brought none. Grabbing the clothes they gave me, I went to the bathroom to change.

My jeans were still okay but my shirt was ruined making my hair from the coffee run in. So I got a casual button down from Donna and a warm black jacket from Gee. After taking a shower and finger combing my hair in a presentable fashion, I left the bathroom.

'If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain... if you're not into yoga...if you're gone in the brain...'

Gee stood by the door with my phone in his hand as I exited the bathroom. I heaved a gigantic sigh of relief as I read the caller ID: Helena.

"Hey Gran."

"Frankie please talk to me this is really impor-

I hung up as fast as could as soon as I realized that it was Lynn. Gerard, the person whom I had promised to talk to her, frowned at me.

I shrugged and said, "You said I had to try and look, I tried."

I brushed past him to eat breakfast.

"We leave on Monday so I thought that it would be nice if you two could sight see today while Mikey and I get things in order for the move. I know it's not a lot of time but you can swing by the major points," Ms. Way suggested as we helped clean the kitchen and clear the table.

"Sounds great mom!" Gee said over enthusiastically.

Something told me that he was still hurt over the promise I broke.

Not even halfway down the stairs and out of the building he lit a cigarette.

"You should really kick that habit," I muttered.

"And you should really talk to your family," he shot back.


"Can you please just launch into a monologue about how I should appreciate what I have and talk to my mother. Because I'm gonna have to deal with it later, literally 48 hours and I really just want us to have a nice time so that when Lynn locks me away in the dungeon for the rest of eternity I can think 'Well at least I had some fun with Gee'."

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