Where he/she likes to kiss you

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Your nose, she loves how you nose scrunches up after she kisses you there


Your lips, she loves just to get straight to the point so instead of teasing you she'll just kiss you straight on the lips


The corner of your mouth, Bellamy loves to kiss you at the corner Of your mouth just to tease you and see that adorable pout you do until he gives you a kiss on the lips


Your shoulder, you were shot in the shoulder with an arrow and now have a big ugly scar, you hate it! Raven always kisses it and tells you how beautiful you are to make you feel better about it


Your forehead, he kisses you on your forehead to comfort you and also your a lot shorter than him so he loves to tease you because you can't reach his lips without going on your tippy-toes


Your neck, he figured out that it was your sweet spot and loves to hear that soft, sweet moan coming from your lips


Your cheek, he said that you cheeks and so cute and chubby that it's like kissing a marshmallow


Your hand, Monty is a gentlemen and when you first met him he kissed you on the hand and has ever since


Your jaw, Murphy loves to kiss your jaw because it turns you on

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