Part 1

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Patrick Jane woke up from the light of the sun shining through a small gap from the curtains onto his face late at the morning. He stretched his arms groaning and threw away his blanket . He stood up from his bed and putted on his shorts and a blouse. He didn't look back at his bed where a woman was sleeping yet.

He made his way to the bathroom and then downstairs to prepare some tea for him. When he was on the kitchen he went to his answering machine and pressed the button to hear the messages. They were all from women he had slept some times and a message from his agent Matt Carlson who remind him the dinner tonight for a job opportunity.

He was tired to travel and going to his clients houses for some money. Patrick Jane had big dreams. He was talking about a TV show in a big channel. The only problem was he had an opponent, a woman named Kristina Frye. He heard some things about her. She was really good in her job but nothing in compare with the master. Jane was confidence that the job was his.

He was the dream of every woman. Young, rich, good-looking and he had a killer smile. He never had a rejection from a woman. He lived in a beautiful house in Malibu beside the ocean and he drove a new expensive car. The whole world was on his legs and he enjoyed it as much as he can.

He started to read the newspaper drinking his tea facing the beauty of the blue ocean. He was calm, filled with self-confidence and happy about his life. His morning interrupted when she heard a woman's voice from behind. He let a sigh of annoyance and turned to looked at her with a fake smile.

"Good morning Patrick." she said and stoop to kiss him on his lips.

"Morning." Jane respond casual.

"Do you have any coffee?" she asked looking around.

"No." Jane replied ignoring her and continued to read his newspaper.

The woman seemed a little tense and disappointed but she continued smiling and went from behind him and crossed her arms around his neck. Jane didn't give her any attention but she didn't intimidated and continued.

"Last night was fun. I would like to repeat it. Do you have anything to do today?" she asked seductively and began to kiss his neck.

"Yes, I have a dinner about a job offer. " he replied coldly.

"And then? Maybe I can come later and help you to dissipate some of your stress."

"I don't know what time I will finish. But don't worry, I will call you Clara." Jane said casual. "I have to make a shower and prepare." he continued an rise up from his chair. "I'll call you. Like you said, we had fun last night. "

Clara Bowman was not used to be reject and lose something she wanted. And now her target was the famous phychic Patrick Jane and she would do anything to get him.

Late at night on the dinner:

Jane was sitting on a table eating a lovely dinner with Kristina Frye and the producer of the show George Mills. They were making some small talking until Mr. Mills spoke:

"So what are you saying to start and talk about the job?" Mr. Mills said serious.

"So, Patrick, why do you think you can be better in that show than me?" Kristina asked with a small bit of mocking in her voice.

"Because I can talk to every woman's heart. Our audience compose more from women than men. And I have the whole package to win them." he respond smirking.

"Do you think you can know women's problem better than me? I live their problems. I can feel them. Just because you can sleep with them doesn't mean you can understand them Patrick."

"She is not wrong Patrick. Kristina can easier approach a woman than you." Mr. Mills said.

"Maybe. But the show needs more than it. It needs someone who can perform. Someone who has experience on stage and on lights. Someone who can draw the media on him." Jane suggested lightly. "And Kristina has no experience on it. She is no prepare for something so big."

There was a pause and Jane continued:

"Selling me to a woman is like making her fall in love. She has to feel giddy, desirous, adventurous and desperate."

"You are talking about women's lust." Kristina interrupted.

"Not only. I'm talking about deep, meaningful love. Look, I love women. I do. I respect women, all right? I can listen to women. That's why I can sell myself to any woman, anywhere, anytime." Jane said serious.

"Interesting. Let's spice the things a little then. Make a woman fall in love with you." Kristina suggested

"That's easy". Jane respond quickly.

"That's cocky Patrick." Mr. Mills said.

"No, not cocky. Just confident. "Jane replied

Kristina laughed and spoke again:

"I would like to see you prove that."

"You would?" Jane asked curious.

"Yes. Mr. Mills must decided in two weeks. Do you think you can make a woman fall in love with you by then?"

"Two weeks?"

"Yes. And I will choose you the woman."

"Okay. But she must be single, available, straight woman."

"Of course Patrick." Kristina agreed with him.

"Okay. We have a deal. If I win, i get the job" Jane nodded.

"Done." Kristina respond. "Mr. Mills.?"

"Done." he respond serious.

"So, who is that woman and where can I find her?" Jane asked amused.

"Tomorrow night. at the CBI's fundraiser. She will be there." Kristina respond.

"And her name?"

"Teresa Lisbon."


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