Part 10

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The rain started suddenly. The sound of the rain was loud outside. The sky was dark and filled with clouds. Jane was alone back on his apartment and prepared a cup of tea for himself. He groaned with frustration. The killer was still free and he still hadn't made a progress with Lisbon. He was confidence and he should continue to believe there is still hope to win her, even if he couldn't see it.

Jane knew that he had to start and plan a new strategy, if he still wanted to win the bet. He never liked to lose but he didn't want to hurt Lisbon anymore. He respected her and he liked her as a friend. He didn't have any friend. Matt didn't fill that category. Lisbon and the team made him realized how empty was his life before. Meaningless clients and meaningless one night stands. He didn't have anyone to rely on or trust. His only close people he had were from his carnival days. He saw them twice a year and he was looking forward to meet them that weekend.

The last days made him more happy. He was looking forward to meet them and talk with them. For the first time he did a good job and he was helping someone and not because of the money. All the thrill of finding and catching the suspects caused him great enthusiasm.

Jane shook his head to clean his thoughts and grabbed his cup and walk to his living room. Previously he had asked Van Pelt to give him a copy of the videos they found on the killer's computer. She was hesitated at the beginning but he had his way to charm someone to gain with purpose.

He putted his cup on the table and opened his laptop. He watched with attention the videos trying to read and understand his actions. Jane continued to watch until something caught his attention. On the screen Lisbon, Cho and he appeared and they were talking about the case. He remembered at the first victim's apartment when they heard the computer to turn off.

Without losing more time, Jane grabbed his cell phone and called Lisbon. After three failed tries, he gave up and left his apartment driving fast to her house. He called Cho and the rest of the team to inform them during his journey to Lisbon's house.

When he arrived, Jane didn't see anyone else. It seemed he reach first to her house and without hesitated he went inside. He opened the door slowly using a wire and went inside noiselessly. Beside the front door Jane found groceries bags and Lisbon's cell phone.

He made his way inside and he found them on Lisbon's room. Lisbon was in front of her computer, in the same position with the other victims and the killer was beside her making her hair and the camera. Jane approached them slowly but Robert Greer saw him and pulled out a knife.

"Don't come close or I will kill her." he said first turning the knife on Lisbon's neck.

"I try to understand you Robert. I try to understand what you are doing." Jane said calmly

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Greer asked tense.

"I'm a viewer. Who looks something fake in front of him. Something staged. Without a soul. "

"Shut up" Greer shouted loud.

"I remember one of your movies. At the year 2004, right? You asked to one of your actor to cut himself at the reality because of the scene. It looked to me very fake". Jane told him calmly.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to upset me and make me sad to let your friend free? Don't worry. She will be free soon. If you are carefully, you may see her soul when she will die." Greer responded.

"You are crazy. You are a failure." Jane provoked him.

"Me? Do you know how many people will watch it? How many will speak for my videos?" he replied laughing.

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